Proiectul de reabilitare a statiei de epurare din Arad - Proiect finantat prin Uniunea Europeana, fonduri ISPA. |
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IMOBILIARE TERENURI: Portal Imobiliare(, MOBVISION=Sistem Informatic Destinat Agentiilor Imobiliare.Este format din aplicatie locala de management si gestiune imobiliara + acces la portalul + site al agentiei. Toate componentele sunt conectate intre ele. |
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Software-ul de aplicatie integrat Aplix ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) rezolva evidenta financiar contabila si de gestiune, problemele legate de evidenta mijloacelor fixe si obiectelor de inventar si evidenta resurselor umane. |
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APP FINANCE - operating lease and fleet management |
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Aquaris este o firma de publicitate din Bucuresti care ofera produse promotionale: agende 2008, calendare 2008, obiecte promotionale, afise, cataloage, foi cu antet, pungi personalizate, tricouri personalizate, felicitari. |
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Register your domains names here for the LOWEST price in the World. Get yourself a bundle of FREE features such as DNS, Web site, email, unlimited email forwarding and many more. |
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Iron Mountain Incorporated (NYSE:IRM) helps organizations around the world reduce the costs and risks associated with information protection and storage. |
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Romanian based APT Resources 2 divisions: PR Communications & HR services. Event marketing, media relations, financial PR, graphic design are practiced. Also payroll processing, employee leasing, HR regulations counsel, staff team building programs. |
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