Cuvinte cautate: Manufacture in romania | pagina 5


Omnis Group - Adresa web

PHILIP MORRIS INTERNATIONAL, Welcome to Romania - Adresa web
Philip Morris Romania srl employs people across our sales and manufacturing groups in Otopeni, Bucharest, and our offices nationwide.
● Philip Morris Romania srl International PMI Altria Group affiliate recruitment careers job opportunities worldwide openings vacancies application apply online tobacco cigarette development interns graduates experienced professionals consumer products leading brands business company operations Otopeni Bucharest

KT Electronics & Automatics, Honeywell Automation & Control Solutions, proiectare automatizari industriale ... - Adresa web
cronotermostat, Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell Plant Automation Equipment, Products and Services, KT Electronics & Automatics, romania

Raguse Romania, Company - Adresa web
The Raguse Group is working in the area of medical products as a trading company and as a manufacturing company since 1980. The Raguse headquarter is located in Ascheberg-Herbern. Drapes and other products, which are used in the clinical area are part of our product range.

Romanian Cars, Welcome to Romanian cars site - Adresa web
Web site dedicated to Romanian cars manufacturers. Additional information about driving in the country, discussions cars.

Rominex Timisoara - Adresa web
Rominex. Mecanizare pentru constructii. Utilaje pentru industria miniera.
● timisoara romania mecanizare constructii utilaj utilaje industria industrie minier miniera echipament tehnologic minerit industrie furnizor proiectare executie livrare expertiza modernizare asistenta tehnica cooperare intern extern import export consulting structuri structura metalic ansamble subansamble ansamblu subansamblu marketing technological equipment service mining supplier designing manufacturing delivery expertise modernizing technical assistance internal external cooper ...

Bine ati venit la S.C. ROMVAG S.A. Caracal - Adresa web
Societate comerciala de constructie, modernizari si reparatii vagoane marfa - Freight wagons manufacturing and repairing commercial company

Gordius, snururi & frânghii, ropes & cordages, zsinórok & kötelek - Adresa web
Romlink Invest ltd. - Gordius is a romanian rope and cordage manufacturing company. Romlink Invest srl. - Gordius este o firma care produce snururi si frânghii, utilizate pt. confectionarea jaluzelelor, pungilor de hârtie, fixarea bannerelor, în navigatie si alte domenii. A csíkszeredai Romlink Invest kft. - Gordius fo tevékenysége a zsinór- és kötélgyártás.

STILART-Decorative Glassware Manufacturing-Tip Galle-Art Nouveau - Adresa web
STILART Romanian producer of Galle vases and lamps, decorative glassware in Art Nouveau Style, since 1991 on the Romanian Market.

SUBEX SA - Adresa web
SUBEX SA is a major fastener manufacturer in Romania that produces screws, bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, stud bolts, anchors. SUBEX designs and manufactures custom-made items and fasteners for many industries SUBEX SA este liderul producatorilor de organe de asamblare din Romania.Produce suruburi, piulite, saibe, prezoane, nituri, bride.SUBEX proiecteaza si executa o gama larga de produse speciale si produse standardizate pentru diverse domenii de activitate

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