Group of Independent Experts ROMANIA. GIE FOLOS consultants are offering technical assistance related to the environment: Management of the urban and industrial waste, Impact evaluation, Risk evaluation (SEVESO), Pollution monitoring (water, air, soil, waste, noise, transport), Environmental Audit (EMAS), Introduction of the environmental management systems in enterprises (ISO 14001), Market sectorial analysis, Training |
S.C. GIMART IMPORT EXPORT S.R.L. se ocupa cu executia si montajul de confectii si constructii metalice, masini si utilaje pentru industria materialelor de constructii, utilaje si piese de schimb pentru industrie, producerea si distribuirea oxigenului tehnic |
S.C. GIMART IMPORT EXPORT S.R.L., Calarasi, Romania, confectii si constructii metalice, masini si utilaje pentru industria materialelor de constructii, utilaje si piese de schimb pentru industrie, producerea si distribuirea oxigenului tehnic
oferta, descriere, informatii despre Giro-principal transportator catre Uniunea Europeana |
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| - Firma de transport persoane Timisoara, Resita, Arad spre aeroportul din Budapesta, inchiriere microbuze 8+1 pentru calatorii de afaceri, servicii de transport persoane. Formular online pentru rezervare. |
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Global Tehnic comercializeaza utilaje si echipamente pentru industria alimentara, chimica, cosmetica si farmaceutica. Preforme PET. |
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GO.AUTO GRUP - Piese auto, Piese vehicule autohtone si straine.Comercializam piese auto originale si aftermarket pentru Renault, Ford, Opel, Vw, Audi, Dacia Logan, Dacia Solenza, |
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Goodyear is the world's largest tire company. Together with its U.S. and international subsidiaries and joint ventures, Goodyear manufactures and markets tires for most applications. It also manufactures and sells several lines of power transmission belts, hose and other rubber products for the transportation industry and various industrial and consumer markets, as well as rubber-related chemicals for various applications. |
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Goped Romania - The Goped brand scooters factory website. Get Product, scooting tips, dealers, and the latest news in the world of Go-Peds . |
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