Cuvinte cautate: Medicorx pharma | pagina 3


Geneva Romfarm International, Serono = Rebif, Raptiva / Actelion = Tracleer / NPIL = Isofluran - Adresa web
Geneva Romfarm International - Developing / Distributing - Romanian Pharmaceutical Market

GlaxoSmithKline, improving health and quality of life, do more, feel better, live longer, - Adresa web is the corporate web site of GlaxoSmithKline, a leading healthcare company that helps people to do more, feel better and live longer. Find out how GlaxoSmithKline improves health and quality of life. Discover more about GlaxoSmithKline's research and development, community partnerships and public health programmes.
● Glaxo; Wellcome; SmithKline; Beecham; GlaxoSmithKline; GSK; pharmaceutical; corporate; ceo; andrew witty; jp garnier; R&038;D; research; development; prescription; medicines; vaccines; healthcare; manufacturing; anti-infectives; AIDS; HIV; CNS; central nervous system; respiratory; gastro-intestinal; metabolic; oncology; Lucozade; Ribena; Horlicks; toothpaste; Aquafresh; Macleans; AdVair; Paxil; Augmentin; Avandia; Combivir; Flixonase; Flonase; Flixotide; Flovent; Imigran; Imitrex; Seroxat; Requi ...

GMP Romania > Global Machinery for Pharmaceuticals - Adresa web
...companie de consultanta, informare si coordonare, care pune la dispozitia clientilor sai din Romania o gama completa de utilaje si instalatii pentru... producatorilor din industria farmaceutica, cosmetica si alimentara

.: Gripa, Vaccin :., Vaccin antigripal, Virusul gripal, Influenza, Vaccinare - Adresa web
Metoda de profilaxie impotriva numeroaselor boli infectioase ( inclusiv gripa ) este imunizarea activa – vaccin antigripal.

!grocery, vegetables, salads, food, health, recipes, produce, markets, fresh, Potatoes, Carrots, Onions ... - Adresa web
A grocery store has its own niche to sell some traditional food that cannot be easily found in supermarket.

:: HELPFARM ::, In ajutorul farmaciilor, farmacie, pharmec, help, helpfarm, gestiune, cantitativ valorica ... - Adresa web
:: HELPFARM :: - In ajutorul farmaciilor - farmacie, pharmec farmacie, pharmec 3, Pharmec cabinet, registru de casa, help, helpfarm, gestiune, cantitativ valorica, cod de bare, servicii, farmacii, cnas, medici, legatura cu casele de marcat, soft medical, gestiune cantitativ valorica, soft pentru farmacii

Startseite - Adresa web
InOne - Oracle JDE Partner und IT-Dienstleister.

:: Solvay Pharmaceuticals :: SolvayPharma Romania – Pasiune pentru progress – Produse Solvay Pharma – ... - Adresa web
Solvay Pharmaceuticals are reprezentante in 46 tari din toata lumea. Urmand principiul :

:: Solvay Pharmaceuticals :: SolvayPharma Romania – Pasiune pentru progress – Produse Solvay Pharma – ... - Adresa web
Solvay Pharmaceuticals are reprezentante in 46 tari din toata lumea. Urmand principiul :

Welcome to LEO Pharmaceutical Products Sarath Ltd. - Adresa web
LEO Pharmaceutical Products Sarath Ltd. is the regional office of LEO Pharma Danish origin - operating in the Middle East and Balkan Dermatology Psoriasis Eczema Renal Osteodystrophy Osteoporosis Dialysis Bone Venous Thromboembolism

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