restaurant, restaurante, restaurante bucurest, restaurant specific italian, restaurant italian, cafenea, il giardino, ilgiardino, il giardino ristorante, italia, coffe, coffee, mancare, food, pizza, pizzerie |
restaurant, restaurante, restaurante bucurest, restaurant specific italian, restaurant italian, cafenea, il giardino, ilgiardino, il giardino ristorante, italia, coffe, coffee, mancare, food, pizza, pizzerie, ...
GLYKON oferă o gamă completă de soluții integrate, hardware, software și servicii, pentru comerțul cu amănuntul (retail): magazine, super și hypermarket-uri, restaurante, fast-food-uri. Furnizăm, de asemenea, stații de lucru și servere, rețele de calculatoare, imprimante, scannere, copiatoare, faxuri, consumabile și accesorii, precum și service autorizat IBM, Xerox și HP. |
pos, POS, sisteme pos, sisteme POS, terminale POS, echipamente retail, echipamente benzinarii, echipamente benzinării, statii distributie carburanti, stații distribuție carburanți, cantare comerciale, cantare, cântare comerciale, cântare, mettler toledo, terminale, supermarket, hypermarket, fast-food, fast food, ...
!grocer, grocery, vegetables, salads, food, health, recipes, produce, markets, fresh, Potatoes, Carrots ... - Adresa web |
A grocer is a dealer in staple foodstuffs -- meats, produce, dairy products, etc. -- and other household supplies. Such goods are, hence, groceries . |
grocery supply, computerized grocery supplies, fruit, vegetables, salads, e-commerce, food, health, home delivery, Sydney, Melbourne, Australia, produce, markets, fresh, Potatoes, carrots, Onions, Tomatoes, Lettuce, ...
OVIDIU MATES STANCIU's Illustrations |
Romanian company producing excellent products from soy and exporting in all Europe |
Interfruct - comert, import si distributie fructe si legume proaspete |
Interfruct, import, distributie, livrare, legume, fructe, en-gross, distributie legume-fructe, fructe-legume, comercializare, legume-fructe, produse, agricultura, vegetala, transport marfa legume fructe, food, agri-food, producers, comert de legume fructe, vegetable, ...
Irishpub Constanta - Romania |
irishpub, irish, pub, restaurant, constanta, romania, black sea, great view, terrace, evenimente, events, photogallery, galerie foto, st. patrick's day, patrick's day, halloween, valentine's day, new year's eve, christmass, eastern, ...
JohnsonDiversey is a leading provider of commercial cleaning, sanitation and hygiene solutions. Clean is just the beginning. |
JohnsonDiversey, Johnson Diversey, JohnsonDiversity, Johnson Wax Professional, Butchers, Taski, Ramsey, DuBois, cleaners, commercial cleaning, housekeeping, clean, responsible solutions, cleaning solutions, carpet care, food sanitation, sanitizer, floor care, dilution control, listeria, ...
Jungbunzlauer is one of the world's leading producers of natural and nature-identical biodegradable ingredients. Jungbunzlauer specialises in citric acid, xanthan gum, gluconates, specialties, special salts and sweeteners for the food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry as well as for various other industrial applications. |
Jungbunzlauer, producer, natural, nature-identical, ingredients, citrics, Citric Acid, LIQUINAT®, Trisodium Citrate Dihydrate, gluconates, Gluconic Acid, Glucono-delta-Lactone, NAGLUSOL®, Sodium Gluconate, Sodium Gluconate EMF 1240, special salts, special citrates, Monosodium Citrate, Tricalcium Citrate, Trimagnesium Citrate, ...
Agentia Koala Creative Network reprezinta un mic nucleu de profesionisti din Romania cu o experienta de peste 8 ani in domeniul marketing-ului si publicitatii. |
Strategie de comunicare, Identitate de marca & corporatie, Packaging design, Concepte creative si executie de campanie publicitara, Productie publicitara, DTP, Media, BTL & PR, Elite Cafe, Selected, Elita, Lavazza, Rollton, Cramele Odobesti, Colgate Palmolive, Orkla Foods, Coty Romania, Apel, Dysport, Lindab, ...
