GFI offer fax server solution, email anti-virus and anti-spam software for Microsoft Exchange and email servers; Network security and monitoring tools; event log monitoring solutions for Windows NT/2000/2003. GFI sells its products through a worldwide network of resellers and distributors. |
fax server, anti-virus, anti-spam, network monitoring, spam filter, Microsoft Exchange, content security, network monitoring software, network security, port scanner, intrusion detection, patch management, email security, security, exchange anti-virus, fax, event log, network fax, ISA Server, windows 2000, ...
InfoInternet se doreste a fi locul de informare in ceea ce priveste domeniul IT: stiri, articole, coduri, aplicatii, virusi si securitate, administrare de siteme, web servere, |
infointernet, info, internet, programare, html, IT, asp, php, cold fusion, coldfusion, cfml, baze de date, stiri, noutati, software, recenzii, prezentari, windows, linux, server, ...
Lotus Domino Hosting, Outsourced Hosting for Lotus Domino, Lotus Notes, XML, Microsoft IIS, Active Server Pages, spam filtering, spam filter |
Domino Hosting, Domino Outsourced Hosting, Managed Domino Hosting, Outsourced Domino application sevice provider, Domino ASP, Lotus Domino Hosting, notes hosting, Notes, spam filter, Lotus notes hosting, Domino, Lotus Business Partner, XML, Java, domino website, domino intranet, notes intranet, notes domino intranet, notes database, domino database, ...
RDA Enterprises, Inc., New York, USA - Complete Networking Solutions Provider |
Cabling, Fiber, win2k, win2000, 2000, cisco, design, mas200, groupwise, exchange, bordermanager, zenworks, server, servers, router, routers, routing, email, computers, laptops, ...
Spectra Computers actioneaza in spatiul dintre obiectivele unei afaceri si tehnologiile de suport pentru functionarea afacerii. Furnizam o gama larga de servicii incepand cu design-ul si realizarea infrastructurii IT si terminand cu personalizarea portalului de intreprindere – SharePoint Portal Server astfel incat clientul sa beneficieze la final de un sistem informatic modern, fiabil si scalabil potrivit necesitatilor proprii. Oferim sisteme de document management, solutii colaborative ... |
document management; portal; microsoft; servicii; solutii; servere; documente; gestiune; management documente; intel; instalari; office; sharepoint; exchange; windows;
25 Profit: Instrumente financiare, cursul BNR din 24 aprilie 2008 |
profit, curs BNR, curs de schimb, euro, dolar, eur, usd, rol, exchange rate, portal, romania, romanesc, cautare, linkuri, resurse, ...
solutie integrata de gestiune de tip ERP, dezvoltata in tehnologii de ultima ora, asigura optimizarea si
eficientizarea proceselor din intreprinderile producatoare; sistem ergonomic, modular, flexibil si scalabil |
ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, sisteme integrate, gestiune, firme de productie, dezvoltare de software,
business software, Enterprise Business Solutions, EBS Romania, 3S Manager, 3S, 3S manager (ERP), MS SQL Server, .NET, XML, implementare,
avantaje, utilizare, companii de productie, firme producatoare, ...
solutie integrata de gestiune de tip ERP, dezvoltata in tehnologii de ultima ora, asigura optimizarea si
eficientizarea proceselor din intreprinderile producatoare; sistem ergonomic, modular, flexibil si scalabil |
ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, sisteme integrate, gestiune, firme de productie, dezvoltare de software,
business software, Enterprise Business Solutions, EBS Romania, 3S Manager, 3S, 3S manager (ERP), MS SQL Server, .NET, XML, implementare,
avantaje, utilizare, companii de productie, firme producatoare, ...
A3D Studio este liderul solutiilor de e-commerce, webhosting sau webdesign, dar va pune la dispozitie si aplicatiim folosind ultimile tehnologii C#, .NET, Sql Server, AJAX, Php, Visual Basic, Visual Fox si multe altele |
e-commerce, webdesign, webdesign, aplicatii, programe, webhosting, webdesign, microsoft, site-uri, aplicatii multimedia, C#, .NET, Sql Server, Php, Visual Basic, Visual Fox, web-based, network, desktop applications , ...
Prezentare ACU Calin Ioan |
acu calin ioan, acu, calin, ioan, prezentare, programare, html, brainbench, mvp, delphi, c++, c, xml, word, excel, power point, windows, 98, 95, 2002, ...
