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Complex Snow Sinaia: restaurant, centru inchirieri and magazin articole sportive. |
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Infused with the spirit of its location, each Sofitel luxury hotel is a stunning blend of modernity, elegance and comfort, the ultimate embodiment of the French art of living. |
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Soft Pro 21 - Sibiu - Software personalizat de gestiune bar, hotel, restaurant sau contabilitate; calculatoare noi si second-hand; componenete, periferice, service, monitorizare securitate video; solutii IT de la profesionisti |
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Producem confectii metalice, confectii metalice sudate, Mobilier metalic, Scule si Unelte de mana, Vopsire in camp electrostatic, Zincare electrolitica, Someg Gherla. |
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Firma dinamica, ce pe baza bunelor relatii de afaceri stabilite cu numerosi parteneri din Europa, Asia si America, ofera o gama larga de produse industriale din import. |
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