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Site realizat ca mijloc de comunicare intre profesor-studenti sau intre parteneri |
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Suceava, Romania, Photography, Fotografie, genealogie, genealogy, evrei, jewish, circ, morena, moraine, cirque, ...
Mobimod S.A. is a chair-producing factory, with it's headquarters in Oradea, Romania.
It was founded in 1969 and ever since it is producing chairs and other wooden elements.We are working with worldwide known west-European partners. We are presently involved on the German, Italian, Dutch, Swedish and English markets. |
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Constructii de case prefabricate din lemn, case de locuit permanent, case de vacanta, constructii case de gradina, amenajari interioare |
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The Moeller Group has its headquarters in Bonn and approximately 12, 000 employees at over 350 locations in almost 80 countries. In some sectors the complete range of over 35, 000 individual products, as well as systems and services for automation and power distribution, confirms Moeller's position as a technological leader. |
Moeller, Klockner-Moeller, Elektrotechnology, Electronics Industry, Automation, Power Distribution, Switchgear, Electronic Industry, Controlling, Busbar Trunking, Engineering, Plc, Drives
Molex manufactures electronic, electrical and fiber
optic connection systems, ribbon cable, switches and application tooling. Over 100, 000
passive component interconnect products and extensive custom design are offered worldwide.
Industries served include automotive, computer, business equipment, home entertainment,
home appliance, medical electronics and telecommunications. |
Molex Connectors Interconnects electronic passive
components, amp, volt, current, interconnections, pitch, Header, Plug, Receptacle, Switch,
Fiber Optic, Socket, PCMCIA, Cable, SIMM, DIMM, PLCC, D-sub, mod jacks, plugs, ...
Monacor Romania - filiala a firmei germane Monacor International va ofera 5000 de produse grupate sub 3 marci: Monacor = sisteme de supraveghere si tehnologie PA (public address). IMG Stage Line = produse dedicate in special pentru DJ, muzicieni si ingineri de sunet pentru spectacole. Carpower = echipamente audio pentru domeniul auto.
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Site de intermediere a locurilor de munca, destinat atit angajatorilor, cit si celor in cautarea unui loc de munca. |
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Collection of free and commercial scripts and softwares. Free scripts & commercial scripts & software |
XOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP. |
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