Cuvinte cautate: Offshore auftragsprogrammierung | pagina 2


Arthur D. Little - Adresa web is Arthur D. Little's global webpage. Founded in 1886, Arthur D. Little is the world's first and oldest management consulting firm with a strong focus on sustainability, innovation and technology.

Artsoft Consult, Software Outsourcing, Java, C++, PHP, .NET, mobile, testing. - Adresa web
ArtSoft Consult - Romanian based software outsourcing company, located in Cluj-Napoca. Outsourcing / offshore services in software development.

Web Development Outsourcing with BetterSoft - Adresa web
BetterSoft Community provides offshore software outsourcing solutions, and full-featured web design & programming services. Professional, reliable solutions, fast time to market, and competitive rates.

PR, HR, Public Relations and Human Resources by APT Resources & Services - Adresa web
Romanian based APT Resources 2 divisions: PR Communications & HR services. Event marketing, media relations, financial PR, graphic design are practiced. Also payroll processing, employee leasing, HR regulations counsel, staff team building programs.

Automatizarea fortei de vanzari, SFA, AVL GPS monitorizare parc auto, localizare flota, software agentii ... - Adresa web
Automatizarea fortei de vanzari, automatizarea vanzarilor, CRM, software pentru dispozitive mobile, aplicatii soft pentru turism, agentii turism, solutii pentru informatizarea agentiilor de turism, ticketing, back-office, backoffice, solutii complete, cazari, evenimente. software pentru agentii de turism, localizare gps, navigare gps, navigatie GPS, PDA cu GPS, PDA Romania, AROBS Transilvania Software, Pocket PC, Palm, Microsoft, Java, J2EE, SFA, offshore software development, Optimall, Soft-Exp ...

Blue Leaf Multimedia, Romanian webdesign and new media fest, web design, multimedia, outsourcing - Adresa web
Webdesign, Interactive web animations, Multimedia Business Card CDs, Graphic Design, Logo Creation, Branding and Layout Design, Web advertising campaigns, Web hosting and maintenance

and local software development - Adresa web
Cole Street Consulting, We Build Web sites and Web Applications, offshore and local development. Offshore outsourcing.

contIS, office containere, containere birou, containere depozit, containere santier, producator containere ... - Adresa web
container, containere, Iasi, Romania, container birou, standard container, offshore, office container, GSM container

Copimaj, IT Outsourcing Romania, Software Development, Dedicated Team - Adresa web
IT Outsourcing Romania, Software Development, Graphic design Dedicated Team

CREASYS, SSII roumaine, services et développements informatiques Offshore, logiciel, Roumanie, régie, forfait

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