Sofraro Trading va oferia sticle decorative realizate manual prin meteode artizanale, continand rachiuri din fructe dublu distilate in instaltii 'Charente' de o exceptionala calitate, invechite minimum 10 ani intr-una din cele mai renumite pivnite din Romania |
obiecte decorative, decoratiuni, glassware, sticlarie, sticlarie suflata, manual, cadouri, ambalaje, ambalaje lux, rachiu, cognac, charente, williams, muscat, struguri, prune, pere, mere, distilerie, dublu rafinat, ...
Automation. SYSCOM 18 offers Complete Solutions For Control & Instrumentation, is a system integrator, having applications in the field of oil and gas, cement, ceramic, medicines, metallurgy; has been certified ISO 9002 (ISO 9001/2004) and ISO18001. |
Industrial automation, process control, transmitter, transducer, density meter, viscosity meter, gas analyser, liquid analyser, emmission monitoring, dust monitor, water-cut analyser, calibrator, sensor, data acquisition, burner, flame detector, valve, pump, controller, panel indicator, ...
Tenaris is the leading global manufacturer and supplier of tubular products and services used in the drilling, completion and production of oil and gas and a leading supplier of tubular products and services used in process and power plants and in specialized industrial and automotive applications. |
heat, pipes, heat pipes, pipe, heat pipe, heat transfer, thermal conductivity, thermal, temperature, cooling, energy, energy conservation, conservation, boilers, central heating, recovery, recovery units, steam, steam generators, smelter, ...
Proiect finatat de Comisia Europeana prin programul LIFE Environment de creare a unei retele de colectare a uleiului uzat in Regiunea 5 Vest din Romania. |
used oil, ulei uzat, retea de colectare, coolecting network, LIFE, Environment Project, proiect, Mediu, Romania, Arad, Caras-Severin, Hunedoara, LIFE ENV00/RO/000989, Environmental, Protection, Agency, European Commission, PETROM, protectia mediului, deseuri, ...
noise, vibration, vibrations, sound, torque, power, ship's speed, fuel oil consumption, maneuvrability, turning circle, stop trials, analyzer, sound level meter, diagnose, analysis, illumination, lighting intensity, , ...
B2B Olives from Turkey - Kalamata, Ripe, Natural, Black, Green, Pitted, Sliced, Stuffed, Marinated |
olive, oliven, zeytin, ezme, ezmesi, paste, pate, maroli, zeyno, Oliva, Olivy, Oliwka, Maslin, Olivovnkk, Zeituni, Saidun, Jaitun, Olajfa, Olajbogyó, Baum, ...
Oil paintings for sale - if you are looking to buy an oil painting, visit Bar Valentin Oil paintings site and you will definitely find a painting. |
painting for sale, oil paintings for sale, painting, paintings, oil paintings, oil painting, buy oil paintings, oil paintings landscape, flower painting, nude painting, realist oil painting, still life painting, fine art painting, original painting, , ...
Romanian company that offers geological services related to oil and gas extractive activities |
daflog, dafora, mudlogging, mud logging, mud-logging, geologie, geology, cabine, MLU, parametri, drilling parameters, fluid, drilling mud, foraj, drilling, masuratori, monitorizare, cabina, litolog, litholog, ...
Hemel Cosmetics resprezinta o colectie de produse cosmetice naturale care este familiara pentru ca ne ofera produse pentru orice varsta |
hemel, produse, naturale, oil, miere, care, cosmetics, anti, cosmetice, toate, fps, natura, site, honey, orice, ...
