Dot Commerce a deschis primul serviciu de e-commerce sau epayment in Romania oferind posibilitatea platilor online cu carti de credit VISA si MasterCard in timp real. Procesarea este securizata shopping cartul magazinelor online fiind trimis spre aprobare prin payment gatewayul propriu spre serverele 3DSecure.Plata online face facila cumpararea de pe Internet din magazinele virtuale existente. |
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accommodation Bucharest, Bucharest accommodation, Bucharest apartments, hotel bucharest |
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Dot Commerce a deschis primul serviciu de e-commerce sau epayment in Romania oferind posibilitatea platilor online cu carti de credit VISA si MasterCard in timp real. Procesarea este securizata shopping cartul magazinelor online fiind trimis spre aprobare prin payment gatewayul propriu spre serverele 3DSecure.Plata online face facila cumpararea de pe Internet din magazinele virtuale existente. |
e-commerce, epayment, plati online, carti de credit, VISA, Mastercard, RomCard, procesare, procesator, integrator, payment gateway, portal de plata, plata online, securizat, comert electronic, shoppingcart, cumparaturi, cumpara, plateste, magazin virtual, ...
Omega Shells - Your Ultimate Shell Resource, Welcome to, Bank Transfer: Account name: Hodirlan CristianBank name: Banca Transilvania - Oradea (RON), Affiliate Program Need to earn, Intrebari frecvente (FAQ): Cum trimit un smsDaca folositi un telefon mobil aflat in retelele Connex, Orange sau Zapp, trimiteti sms-ul in formatul `EPAY S1234567` unde `S1234567` reprezinta numarul de referinta al comenzii in sistemul ePayment la numarul de telef |
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Magazinele CELLINI - comercializeaza ceasuri elvetiene, bijuterii, verighete, inele de logodna, pendule, cutii muzicale, articole din piele si instrumente de scris. |
ceasuri, bijuterii, verighete, inele de logodna, ceasuri elvetiene, instrumente de scris, cutii muzicale, pendule, articole din piele, Tissot, Omega, magazinele, CELLINI, unicat
Antene magazin virtual accesorii gsm la cele mai mici preturi de pe piata, vanzari engros si endetail |
Antene, gsm, accesorii, acesori, accesorii gsm, telefon, telefoane, celular, celulare, baterii, baterie, acumulator, acumulatori, carcase, carcasa, antene, antena, cablu de date, cabluri, huse, ...
CGD Consulting provides solutions and consulting in the IT security field, Anti-Virus and Cryptography Solutions, Wireless Security, Network Security and Virtual Private Networks. |
Mobile e-mail, Anti-Virus, AntiVirus, AntiSpam, Spam, Anti-Phishing, Virus Protection, Cryptography, Firewalls, Encryption, OpenSSH, Data Security, Wireless Security, Wireless Protection, Network, Detection, Protecting, Protection, Data Security, Breaches, ...
Cinor - Furnizorul tau de IT : Hardware, Software, Internet, Service |
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EASystems, Electronic Advanced Systems SRL, EAS SRL, ARTS, Asociatia romana pentru tehnica de securitate, Activity & Information Management Systems, AIMS, Detectomat, detect 3004, detect 3016, Vidilanz, MBS-SA02 |
EASystems, Electronic Advanced Systems SRL, EAS SRL, ARTS, Asociatia romana pentru tehnica de securitate, Activity & Information Management Systems, AIMS, Detectomat, detect 3004, detect 3016, Vidilanz, MBS-SA02
Computaris - bridging the gap between IT and telecoms |
GSM, telecommunications, telecoms, real-time, realtime, software, IN, Camel, 3GSM, services, mobile network
