news, technology, SE, geek, geeks, hacker, hackers, linux, software, download, downloads, forum, kernel, source, Unix, *nix, weblog, content, disaster recovery, servere, ...
news, technology, SE, geek, geeks, hacker, hackers, linux, software, download, downloads, forum, kernel, source, Unix, *nix, weblog, content, disaster recovery, servere, ...
owystyle, umd, united, media, design, News, news, New, new, Technology, technology, Headlines, headlines, Windows, windows, Software, software, Download, download, Downloads, ...
CsakiDenes.ro - webdesign and development |
Csaki, csaki, Denes, denes, webdesign, graphics, logo, business card, letter head, flyer, photoshop, corel, flash, design, colors, forms, innovation, development, web design, website design, ...
Diaspora OnLine.ro - Index |
PHP, MySQL, bulletin, board, free, open, source, smf, simple, machines, forum, romani, in, UK, Marea Britanie, Diaspora, Romani in uk, comunitatea romana, romaneasca, anglia, ...
news, technology, SE, geek, geeks, hacker, hackers, linux, software, download, downloads, forum, kernel, source, Unix, *nix, weblog, content, disaster recovery, servere, ...
Extendio is a small web design studio that builds simple, clean, usable web sites, combining creative design and web standards to deliver beautiful results that leave an impact on the user. |
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S.C. Global TerraSoft S.R.L. este o companie axata pe oferirea de consultanta si servicii IT bazate pe solutii Open Source/Linux. |
Linux, servicii linux, consultanta linux, linux oradea, probleme cu server windows, solutii linux, open source, securizare, retele, slackware, redhat, server, tech suport
phpMyVisites | O aplicatie open source pentru statistici web dezvoltata in PHP/MySQL si distribuita sub licenta Gnu GPL. |
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