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WINGAS GmbH in Kassel, a subsidiary of Wintershall and Russia's OAO Gazprom. A competent partner for your natural gas needs. Our pipeline grid in Germany is more than 2000 kilometers long - and growing all the time. We also own and operate the largest gas storage facility in Western Europe. We offer our customers long-term diversified supply contracts, giving them supply security and flexibility. |
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XTrasoft Romania - Dezvoltare si servicii software / Software development and services; Outsourcing; XTravel (XTravelOffice - Sistem de management & XTravelNet - Sistem de rezervari on-line) - solutie software integrata pentru agentii de turism si tour-operatori / XTravel (XTravelOffice - Management System & XTravelNet - On-line Booking System) - integrated software solution for travel agencies and tour-operators |
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Accommodation in Bucharest in central locations at low rates. Accomodation Bucharest in rented apartments is the cheap alternative to Bucharest Hotels. |
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Activ Cyb Net srl, Posturi vacante, angajarii, soferi, manajere, hostess, maseuze, operator videochat, promoter, agenti de vanzare, receptionere |
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Solutii termice bazate pe echipamente de inalta eficienta: panouri solare, pompe de caldura, centrale termice sau cazane pe baza de biomasa. Consultanta profesionala in optimizarea sistemului termic. |
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Armatura dispersa din otel si polipropilena precum si rosturi de dilatare pentru pardoseli industriale. Armatura dispersa din otel sau altfel spus fibrele metalice reprezinta o alternativa la armatura clasica. |
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