INFOBRAIN Standard Software for GSM Mobilcom. IT Services on Host (z/OS), Midrange (i5, AIX, Linux, UNIX), PC (Windows) |
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INITORA develops enterprise software solutions including stock administration, production administration . |
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InOne - Oracle JDE Partner und IT-Dienstleister. |
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iStorm - Software and Web Development Company - Many European, mainly German, firms see Eastern Europe as an increasingly favorable near shore alternative. While cultural affinities, cost, language skills, strong technical capabilities, and minimal data-regulatory issues makes offshoring to these countries so tempting, Romania and Eastern Europe as a whole will step up the heat on India as yet another BPO hot spot in 2005. Eastern Europe's forte: a strong talent pool with bias towards mathematic ... |
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SRK oferă soluţia completă în informatica economică şi legislativă. |
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ODBC compliant database querying and processing tool, based on structured parameterizable SQL collections; iterative DBF processing, OO xbase script. |
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The world's largest enterprise software company, Oracle is the only vendor to offer solutions for every tier of your business -- database, middleware, business intelligence, business applications, and collaboration. With Oracle, you get information that helps you measure results, improve business processes, and communicate a single truth to your constituents. |
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