Producer of wooden toys and wooden children furniture. |
wooden toys, wood, toys, furniture, children, wooden, jouets, bois, meubles, enfants, tirer, pousser, push, pull
Abris de jardin, Chalet en madriers ou ossature bois, Gloriettes, Garages et carports, Saunas, Meuble de jardin, Piscines en bois, Meuble pour interieur... ! |
Romania, Roumanie, bois, wood, legno, construction, produits, products, prodotti, maison, houses, case, residenziali, abris, jardin, giardino, chalets, ossature, massif, madriers, ...
In Romania, GARDENLAND este inovatorul in crearea de mobilier rustic pentru gradina, terasa si interior, din lemn rotund, decojit si prelucrat manual. Fiecare proiect este unicat si adaptat locatiei si clientului. GARDENLAND amenajeaza: hoteluri, vile, cabane, pensiuni, restaurante, baruri, gradini de vara. Avand o gama diversa de produse atat pentru interior cat si pentru exterior : cuiere, suporti de flori, rame de oglinzi, corpuri de iluminat, sfesnice, scaune, jilturi, sezlonguri, can ... |
GARDENLAND, wood, rustic, gradina, mobilier, lemn, original, design, terasa, interior, hoteluri, vile, cabane, pensiuni, restaurante, baruri, gradini de vara, cuiere, suporti de flori, rame de oglinzi, ...
| - S.C. GELOR TRADING S.R.L. is a private romanian company, founded in 1997, specialised in glass products and lamps. |
gelor trading, romanian, company, romanian company, glass products, glass, products, glass industry, blown glass, inside colours, outside colours, hand painting, metal painting, blasting, frosting, powdered glass, decorative glass, painted glass, glass with metal, galle, ...
Generalforest Impex SRL Gherla - Producator de semifabricate din lemn, cherestea, frize pentru parchet. Exportator de lemn si semifabricate din lemn. |
Generalforest, cherestea, semifabricate lemn, parchet, mobila, busteni, rasinoase, frize parchet, silvicultura, Gherla, Cluj, Romania
Gupi este specializata in producerea tamburilor, paletilor si ambalajelor din lemn. Ofera produse realizate conform cu specificatiile standardelor internationale in domeniu. |
Gupi Romania, tamburi din lemn, wooden reels, bobine in legno, kabeltrommel, tourets en bois, tamburi, Gupi, palet, tambur, lemn, GUPI
wooden furniture, wooden toys, basketware, intre ior decoration articles, crismans tree adornmentes, hand painted icons on wood and glass, carpets, handmade, sport, camping equipment, metal articles, hand tools, ceramios, glass, art craft, garments, shoes, tools, hand tools, accessories, ...
Atelierul de icoane ortodoxe Camelia Munteanu |
icon, icoane, icons, icoana, icoane pe lemn, biserica, church, sfinti, saints, sfant, saint, ortodox, orthodox, ortodoxe,
Camelia Munteanu, bizantin, byzantine, religie, religios, religion, ...
A company from Odorhei, specialized in design & prepress, publishing (Intarzia woodworking magazine), web design and programing, gift production & distribution |
imageline, odorhei, design, prepress, print, advertising, calendar, calendars, calendarbox, publishing, intarzia, magazine, database, web design, programing, web application, internet, e-solution, multimedia, gift, ...
Imatex SA is shear holded company, established in 1948, specialized in production of machinery, for different industry sectors. Till 1990 the main activity was the production of the textile machinery but from then on regarding the market changes we had to change our company strategy and activities. |
