Boxe, amplificatoare, cd, dvd, procesoare audio si video, cabluri, accesorii, automatizari. Produse pe stoc. |
Customized, cost-efficient localization of software products, web sites, multimedia. Consulting, multilingual testing. |
localization, localisation, software, consulting, multimedia, international, internationalisation, internationalization, translation, globalisation, globalization, testing
Il Passo, retea de magazine de incaltaminte si accesorii, raspunde nevoii crescande de stil si calitate a pietei romanesti prin produse care urmeaza cele mai noi tendinte in moda. |
Incaltaminte, Pantofi, Genti, Accesorii, Moda, Stil, Elegant, Chic, Feminin, Tosca blu, Bagatt, Dino Bigioni, Rebeca Sanver, Inci, Shoes, Accessories, Bags, Fashion, Style, Feminine, ...
Jasione is a small, dynamic company, specializing in creating original websites,
e-commerce applications, and on-line databases. We are passionate about Web and love to talk or write about it. Jasione is a team of highly accomplished and experienced Internet professionals with great ideas, great creative skills and great technology. We combine these skills to offer a team capable of delivering best Internet solutions. |
Jasione, site, marketing, website design, web site design, optimize, design, creative, innovative, romanian, agency, webdesign, webdesign romania
dans copii, dans modern, grupul domino, grup domino, dominoo, Cursuri de dans, , copil, copii, dans modern, MODERN, HIP-HOP, DISCO, DANS POPULAR, CHARLESTON, DANS CHINEZESC, DANS INDIAN, Dansuri Latino, JIVE, Dansuri, Dansuri de Club, SAMBA, COUNTRY, SALSA, MERENGUE, MENEAITO, Cursuri Dansuri, Cursuri de dans, dans, curs, dansez, Dansuri latino, JIVE, PASSO-DOBLE, Dansuri de Club, SALSA, MERENGUE, MENEAITO, sport, dansuri latino-americane, Aerobic, Fitness, terapii complementare, Purificarea o ... |
liveBooks, portfolio, website, design, photography, photographer, professional, wedding, fashion, commercial, event, portrait, photojournalism, education, software, marketing, branding , ...
MD Mecanic Benz 2003 SRL - Importator de piese auto noi si second-hand specializat in piese si accesorii pentru autoutilitare VW LT si Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, dar si autocamioane, utilaje si autoturisme. |
tester, pilot, abs, esp, airbag, bord, dezmembrari, dezmembrare, uzat, nou, noi, passat, maxi, ford, transit, ducato, fiat, maxi, boxer, peugeot, ...
ODBC compliant database querying and processing tool, based on structured parameterizable SQL collections; iterative DBF processing, OO xbase script. |
visual query tool, parameter, parameterized sql processing, SQL, report generator, odbc, DBF, xml, parameterised query, parameterized query, automated database processing, desktop, GUI, user friendly, object oriented extensible script, windows, oracle pl/sql, ibm, mssql, db2, ...
Molex manufactures electronic, electrical and fiber
optic connection systems, ribbon cable, switches and application tooling. Over 100, 000
passive component interconnect products and extensive custom design are offered worldwide.
Industries served include automotive, computer, business equipment, home entertainment,
home appliance, medical electronics and telecommunications. |
Molex Connectors Interconnects electronic passive
components, amp, volt, current, interconnections, pitch, Header, Plug, Receptacle, Switch,
Fiber Optic, Socket, PCMCIA, Cable, SIMM, DIMM, PLCC, D-sub, mod jacks, plugs, ...
ONLINE-BUSINESS outsourcing and software development. |
web, design, web design, programming, web, site, design, through, templates, need, logo, development, company, whole, view, user, terms, sure, step, services, ...
