deseu, waste, bursa, oferta, cerere, lemn, metal, sticla, plastic, abatorizare, MRS, textile, hartie, spitalicesti, echipamente, utilaje, servicii, produse, distrugere, incinerare, ...
Infiintata in anul 1995, societatea franceza PLEXIROM cu sediul in Bucuresti Romania s-a impus ca lider European in procesarea materiei plastice. |
plexiglas, altuglas, pmma, veralite, pvc, polistiren, policarbonat, polipropilena, banda adeziva, banda magnetica, freza, freze pentru gravura, plastic, mase plastice, , ...
Resinex Rom is a plastic, rubber and chemical raw materials distribution company. During the years we have built up professional purchasing, logistics and sales structure, to distribute branded raw materials in close partnership with our valued customers and suppliers. |
plastic, rubber, rubbers, elastomer, elastomers, chemical, chemicals, ABS, ASA, EAA, EPE, ETPU, EVA, HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, PA, PBT, PC, PC/ABS, ...
proteze oculare, pentru ochi, de ochi, artificiali, de sticla, protezare, oculara, timisoara, banat, romania, ocular, prosthesis, tehnician, technician, anaplastologist, ocularist, acrilic, pmma, laborator, atelier, ...
deseu, waste, bursa, oferta, cerere, lemn, metal, sticla, plastic, abatorizare, MRS, textile, hartie, spitalicesti, echipamente, utilaje, servicii, produse, distrugere, incinerare, ...
Infiintata in anul 1995, societatea franceza PLEXIROM cu sediul in Bucuresti Romania s-a impus ca lider European in procesarea materiei plastice. |
plexiglas, altuglas, pmma, veralite, pvc, polistiren, policarbonat, polipropilena, banda adeziva, banda magnetica, freza, freze pentru gravura, plastic, mase plastice, , ...
Resinex Rom is a plastic, rubber and chemical raw materials distribution company. During the years we have built up professional purchasing, logistics and sales structure, to distribute branded raw materials in close partnership with our valued customers and suppliers. |
plastic, rubber, rubbers, elastomer, elastomers, chemical, chemicals, ABS, ASA, EAA, EPE, ETPU, EVA, HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, PA, PBT, PC, PC/ABS, ...
proteze oculare, pentru ochi, de ochi, artificiali, de sticla, protezare, oculara, timisoara, banat, romania, ocular, prosthesis, tehnician, technician, anaplastologist, ocularist, acrilic, pmma, laborator, atelier, ...