Site oficial al Sfintei Manastiri BUCIUM. Acest site este construit cu binecuvantarea P.S. Visarion Rasinareanu, episcop vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Romane - SIBIU si P.C. Sava, staretul Manastirii BUCIUM. Reprezinta SINGURA sursa de informatie oficiala a Manastirii BUCIUM! |
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Comuna Buciumeni este situată în partea de nord a judeţului Dâmboviţa, la 35 de km de vechea cetate de scaun a Ţării Româneşti, municipiul Târgovişte, reşedinţa judeţului. |
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| is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
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Bucovina, the land of traditional and cultural values, unchanged traditions, wild natural beauties, ancient monasteries, Romanian ortodox style, local legends, the point of western and oriental civilisation's impact, place of return to the nature, folk artistic creators, middle of natural silence, the land where you come as tourists and leave as friends! |
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Official site of this American made motorcycle featuring the latest models, dealer locator, upcoming events, products, questions and answers with Erik Buell. |
| situl dedicat oamenilor de afaceri si informatiei financiare ...noi prezentam firmele romanesti. |