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NoBug is an expert digital design verification company that masters a full range of technologies (functional, formal, and assertion-based) with a variety of tools (Specman, RuleBase, Vera, SystemVerilog, Verilog-PLI/C). NoBug's activity covers 3 directions: Digital Design Verification, Digital Design and Software development for EDA tools. |
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Benefit from choosing outsourcing Romania. Receive quality software development services. Low cost competitive prices. Reduce risk using well educated multilingual labor pool. Realize important cost savings with offshoring Romania. Offshore is perfect solution in solving your needs. |
Altium Limited (ASX: ALU). Altium's design tools cover a wide range of design processes including FPGA design capture, VHDL / schematic capture, PCB layout, analysis and verification, CAM and embedded systems development. Altium Designer is the world's first and only unified electronic product development system that allows engineers to take a design from concept to completion within a single application. Altium Limited (ASX: ALU), leader des logiciels de CAO électronique et de développement p ... |
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Piscine din polipropilenasi beton placate cu mozaic din sticla |