Delphi, Net, Network, Networking, Cisco, Linksys, Wireless, SDH, DWDM, Metro, Optical, Romania, Electronice, Electronics, Electro, Distribution, Distributor, Retail, En-gros, Dealer, ...
Firma mica cu o bogata experienta in dezvoltarea de sisteme de monitorizare si control pentru statii de reglare/masurare gaze local si de la dispecerat, sisteme de urmarire GPS GPRS, harta dispecerat, bancuri de verificare/etalonare contori de gaz si energie electrica, sisteme de afisare cu LED-uri pentru interior si exterior, monocrome si full color, custom design, prototipuri, aparatura electronica ultra low power cu microntrolere Texas Instruments, MSP430, Rabbit, Atmel, aplicatii la cerere p ... |
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Camere foto (Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Kodak), Camere video (Panasonic, Canon), laptopuri, servere, pc-uri, (Dell, FSC, HP) - Magazin Online Magazin Online |
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Digiton SRl Constanta este Dealer autorizat pentru produsele Obo Bettermann, Fischer, Kopos . |
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Cele mai bune preturi din Romania pentru difuzoare P-audio, Selenium, Amplificatoare ECLER si boxe NEXTECH |
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We provide logistics, transport, distribution in Romania and forwarding to and from the Benelux. Our parent organisation, the Wim Bosman Group, ensures a high quality of services and state of the art IT. |
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