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Majoritatea companiilor membre ale Grupului ICCO activeaza in domeniul constructiilor. Tocmai de aceea, suntem capabili sa oferim servicii complete la cheie in calitate de antreprenor general. |
brasov, constructii, antreprenor, echipamente electrice, geam termopan, instalatii, electronice, telecomunicatii, echipamente medicale, echipament stomatologic, dentar, tomograf, CT dentar, maxilofacial, chirurgie maxilofaciala, ortodontist, imagini volumetrice, imagistica, ...
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ICEP executa lucrari de instalatii, conditionare aer si sisteme de ventilatie. |
ICOVM Construct SRL - Daca nu noi atunci cine? |
Con structii-montaj (instalatii electrice si de automatizare)
Ignatics Art is a full web service firm. We translate Your company’s image and values on the WWW. From design to hosting, we take care of all the details. |
web design, web programming, corporate identity, custom logo design, print design, graphic design services, PowerPoint presentations, flash presentations, newsletter design, customization of web applications, web site maintenance services, web animations, web consultancy services
Usor de pregatit, curat, energoeficient USCATOARELE EZIDRI create pentru a va usca fructele si legumele preferate |
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IMPERIAL ELECTRIC SA - design and manufacturing of monitoring and control system, applications for testing, measurement, industrial automation, data acquisition products from National Instruments |
design, manufacturing, monitoring, control, measurement, automatizari, industrial, instrumentation, GPIB, NI, National Instruments, factory automation, process, DAQ, data acquisition, analysis, custom solutions, SBC, multiport, serial, ...
imPRESSion and imPRESSion Lite are affordable desktop publishing
applications that combine powerful vector graphics drawing with a range of text handling functions. |
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Adobe, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, Corel WordPerfect,
Corel Paradox, Corel Ventura, Corel WebMaster Suite, CorelXARA,
Corel PHOTO-PAINT, Quark, Quark Immedia Viewer, QuarkXTensions, ...
Crew manning company, major European Oil & Gas Recruitment Agency, providing skilled Romanian Engineers, Technicians, Foremen & Craftsmen in Refinery, Petrochemical, Power & Engineering areas. We cover both onshore and offshore employment opportunities. |
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