X3 Studios is an new media design and development studio, specialized in high-end flash development and interactive design. We create elearning modules, sales presentations, integrate powerpoint presentations into a flash movie animation, integrate complete ecommerece solutions with your flash website, create custom multimedia cds, and much more. |
interactive media, new media, flash design, flash development, high-end flash presentations, elearning modules, flash based training modules, complete flash sites, serverside integration with custom ecommerce solutions, database driven flash websites, html, graphic design, web design, web and flash design, virtual image consultant, contractor, freelancing, flash developer, Romania, Timisoara, ...
Powermedia AdSite - Content Publishing Application |
ecdl, european computer driving license, cursuri de pregatire IT in Constanta, cursuri, ECDL, Microsoft, MCSE, MCDBA, centre, pregatire, programare, initiere, Constanta, GMB, CJC, ANIAP, training, Dobrogea, informatica, examene, ...
Produse hi-end la preturi exceptionale pentru branduri de top Corsair, Abit, Asus, Gainward, Bfg, Fortron, Gigabyte, retelistica, prelucrari video |
hdd, hard disk, disk, hard, video, display, placa video, monitor, crt, lcd, tft, horizon, memorie ram, memorie, ram, sursa, power supply, alimentare, tastatura, mouse, ...
Compania Nationala a Uraniului - S.A. are in administrare resursele minerale de uraniu existente in Romania si desfasoara activitati de cercetare geologica si exploatare a zacamintelor de uraniu, prepararea minereurilor si rafinarea concentratelor, transportul si comercializarea acestora. |
Compania Nationala a Uraniului, CNU, C.N.U., uraniu, minereu, atomic, nuclear, energie nucleara, centrala nucleara, CANDU, reactor, minereu de uraniu, companie, companie nationala, energie atomica, nuclearelectrica, activitati nucleare, Romania, mina, mine, ...
Powered by Atlas v1.1 (Rhemax) |
Car Audio System: Speaker cables, power cable, capacitors and distribution accessories for the extreme current demands of your high power sound system. Connection Audison ... The Power Transfer System. |
car, audio, system, sound, stereo, equipment, install, pro, amps, wiring, cable, rca, speaker, extension, power, interconnect, shielded, mobile, installing, connector, ...
Contico-Technologies SRL was founded in 2004, as a manufacturers representative, to meet the ever-expanding semiconductor and computing requirements of European market. |
contico, technologies, manufacturers representative, semiconductor, computing requirements, Transformers, inductors, Capacitors, inductors, active components, power supplies,
Pescuit in Romania. Scule de pescuit la preturi atractive. Gama de mulinete de pescuit Linewinder, la cel mai bun cost. |
Pescuit, mulineta, lanseta, fire de pescuit, Linewinder, sense of power, fishing, spinning reel, vergi, undita, crap, pastrav, caras, rap, somn, Delta Dunarii., ...
wiseScoring TM is a powerful tool that gives any lender the necessary means to assist the customers through the loan application process. |