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Promoveata ti afacerea, produsele si serviciile intr-un mod cat se poate de elegant si ieftin. Direct Business este cel mai nou portal de afaceri care vine in sprijinul companiei tale. |
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Solutii creative pentru afacerea ta ...online. Alege numai profesionisti de elita cu rezultate recunoscute si recorduri consecutive. |
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Dutch Link International outsources and subcontracts production in Romania and exports industrial products to the European Union |
DMC Manufacturing Romania |
::: SUPER OFERTA - Domenii .ro cu numai 37 de euro ::: |
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Romania, Bucharest, Universitate, IT solutions, Software, Databases, Flash, Intranet, Business Card CD,
CD presentation, Network, MySQL, ASP, PHP, ...
The Romanian Donors' Forum is a network of grant-making organizations actively supporting the development of civil society in Romania. |
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DirectVision is a Romanian based software company, with headquarters in Bucharest, specialized in business analysis consultancy, software development and deployment and application tuning and optimization. We bring together a group of high level IT experts, a dynamic group of young professionals who are particularly experienced in international multilingual working environment. |
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Doka este unul din liderii mondiali în domeniul dezvoltarii, productiei si distributiei de echipamente de cofrare pentru toate sectoarele din industria constructiilor. Prin oferta noastra inovativa si calitativa ii sprijinim pe antreprenorii din toata lumea pentru a construi mai repede, mai bine, mai economic si mai sigur. |
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