Producer of plastic composites such as panelling for buses and trains and development of composite bridges grp, deck systems grp etc. |
Producer of plastic composites such as panelling for buses and trains and development of composite bridges grp, deck systems grp etc. |
Producer of plastic composites such as panelling for buses and trains and development of composite bridges grp, deck systems grp etc. |
ferestre, pvc, termopan, panorama, tamplarie, feronerie, geam, termoizolant, usi de intrare, geam termopan, ferestre pvc, tamplarie pvc, roto, feronerie roto, profile panorama, wintergarten, ...
Executam lucrari de tamplarie PVC |
Fonteyn, termopan, termopane, geam, fereastra, ferestre, geamuri, case vacanta, PVC, tamplarie, feronerie, profil, reflexiv, antiefractie, usi, Breaza, Sinaia, ...
FRACASO realizeaza si monteaza tamplarie de aluminiu si PVC cu profile ALUMIL si REHAU si geam termopan. |
Fracaso, Romania, Baia Mare, Tamplarie, Alumil, Rehau, Aluminiu, PVC, Policlorura de vinil, Afaceri, Montaj, Geam termopan
andruhovici, stomatologie, stomatolog, stomatologic, stomatologi, dentist, dentisti, dentitie, dentar, dental, dentistry, stomatology, AMSPPR, A.M.S.P.P.R., stoma, dinti, dinte, cabinet, sanatate, profilaxie, ...
Galfinband este o companie ce se ocupa cu cercetare-proiectare, dezvoltare, executie si punere in functiune instalatii tehnologice, sisteme de automatizari industriale si de comunicatii. |
Galfinband, GFB, steel strip, automation, slitting line, stripping line, profiles, gypsum, dry wall, partition wall, ceiling, benzi legat rezistenta mare, produse grele lungi cold rolling, packing steel strips, metallic coated steel strips, steel cored wire, real-time software, metallurgy, Galati, Romania, ...