Megaflip's main activity is to provide advisory services to governmental entities, corporate and individual clients. For more info please visit: Business consulting, advisory services, consulting |
activity, advisory, afla, and, browser, business, business advisory, business consulting, business consulting romania, cadou, cadouri, celor, clients, company, consulting, consulting romania, cooperation, corporate, cristale, does, ...
Metal Inox srl - comert cu produse metalurgice din inox,
cupru si alama: tabla, teava, profile, coturi, electrozi |
inox, metal, electrozi, electrods, tabla, table, teava, tevi,
profile, constructii, unelte, scule, lac, lacuri, vopsea, vopsele, plasa, plase, cui, cuie, ...
MGA. MGA este o companie specializata în producţia de materiale profesionale de construcţii destinate finisajelor interioare şi exterioare. Cu laboratoarele proprii de cercetare şi linii de productie dintre cele mai moderne, Mga s-a impus ca lider de piaţă, fiind indispensabil unui finsaj reusit. MGA în casa ta! |
MGA, mteriale de construcţii, finisaje interioare, adeziv, faianţă, gresie, finisaje exterioare, chituri, gleturi, profile PVC, ipsos de modelaj, Euroglet, Forfix, Escayola, Placofix, Polistiren, Primofix, Eurochit, glet, chit, ...
Micropharma, Profits - Pharma, Farmacie, Program Farmacii, Informatica, Propunerea Micropharma |
Micropharma, Profits - Pharma, Farmacie, Program Farmacii, Informatica, farmacii, Micropharma, propunere, preturi, articole, produse
Midomar - carbuni pentru gratar |
Millefiori. Bijuterii din sticla murano, accesorii, obiecte decorative. Toate bijuteriile sunt facute manual cu de un personal foarte talentat. Vizitati site-ul pentru mai multe detalii. |
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The Association for bird and nature Protection Milvus Group is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, acting in the fields of education, research and advisory, in order to make Romania a better place for birds, wildlife and people. A few very enthusiastic young bird-watchers founded the Milvus in autumn 1991. Soon after this, we joined the romanian ornithological Society, becoming its branch in Tirgu Mures. Since the end of 2001 the association for bird and nature protection Milvus Grou ... |
Manufacturer and exporter of modern and classic massive wood chairs, tables and doors, and also of triplestartified wooden window frames. We are highly represented among massive wood furniture manufacturers.Our product development activities, market trends understanding and profitable trading practices have helped us gain recognition among our competitors. |
furniture manufacturers, massive wood furniture manufacturers, wood chairs, doors, market trends, product development activities, trading practices, innovative, furmiture, manufacturers, business partners
Minet Conf producator de perne, pilote, saltele, umpluturi poliester, protectii, confectii textile hotel |
umpluturi, umplutura, SuperBall, fibre, fibra, fibre poliester, fibra poliester, poliester, textile, bumbac, textil, confectii, pilote, cuverturi, saltele, semisaltele, saltele cu arcuri, perne, perne decorative, perne ornamentale, ...
Tapestry wall hangings, paintings and other decorative artworks by Mihaela Mirela Grigore, alias Mire. |
