Jester - freelancer from Romania. |
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XPERTWEBSOFT provides a full package of services: software developing, web developing, outsourcing. Our mission is to develop excellent product and to provide all necessary service to support it. |
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ITreview - Revista cu informatii in domeniile hardware, software, internet; Prezentare programe, tutoriale, setari, configuratii; Editare foto si video; Web links, site-uri de calitate; Tutoriale Linux, Windows; Download teme, wallpaper, office, dictionar it |
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it jobs and recruitment, selection, training |
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HCM, Technical recruitment agency services, human resource job search, engineering head hunter company. |
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sat*joy - decriptare programe TV satelit, aplicatii DVB alternative, internet prin satelit. Totul pentru utilizatorii Skystar 1 si 2 ! |
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SRK oferă soluţia completă în informatica economică şi legislativă. |
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