Fichtner Romelectro Engineering Romania. Transmission lines consulting and engineering services |
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Romcomputer srl vinde calculatoare PREMIO, componente si periferice.
Romcomputer srl sells PREMIO computers, components and peripherals.
Cautam distribuitori pentru Bucuresti si provincie. Preturi excelente pentru reseller-i. Cautati-ne pentru a va convinge. |
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TEHNE - Center for Innovation and Development in Education is an organization aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of elearning, curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training. |
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TehnoCAD is a company, which offers engineering services such as CAD Design, CAD Drafting, finite elements method analysis, fracture mechanics analysis, for different fields of engineering. Our field of activity also includes the programs and data base development. |
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