ADdesign Pro has a team of top notch designers and developers specialized in producing extremely professional websites and graphics. They are specialized in visualizing your ideas to real functioning projects, providing web solutions across the globe. AgDesign Pro's objective is to help the clients in structuring and implementing the most effective means to achieving practical results. |
web, hosting, webdesign, site, design, websites, AgDesign, corporate, identity, logo, banner, flash, html, brochure, e-commerce, ecommerce, shoppingcart, development, solutions, icons, ...
Oficial website of Adrian Grecu, which presents glass sculptures and 3D Projects |
Adrian Grecu, agrecu, sculpture, glass, ambiental sculpture, modern art, light art, neon art, laser art, fountains, sculpture for architecture
UML Sense for complex C Projects |
programming, embedded, flowchart, UML, diagrams, code, editors, autocomplete, agv, sense, romania, adrian, datcu, complex, projects, preprocessor, preprocess, ...
nearshore software development, outsourcing, offshore, Wittmann&Partner, Sibiu, Romania, .net, Java, PowerBuilder, Lotus Notes, web, ecommerce
Alfa Life Grup consultanta IT, consultanta hardware, consultanta software, web design, administrare remote, consultanta project management, remote admin |
Tranzactionare de actiuni online in timp real pe piata BVB si Rasdaq prin ALPHA FINANCE ROMANIA |
broker, actiuni, trader, stock exchange, BVB, RASDAQ, money, investitie, investitii, investment, procent, divident, actiuni, Romania, SIF, issue, bursa, tranzactionare, online, timp real, ...
Outsourcing web, Outsourcing php mysql, Outsourcing, Romania, Software, offshore development, Online Appointments, Online Schedule, Online Scheduling, Online Inventory, programari online, asigurari online, program brokeri asigurari, Programming House Outsource Projects, appointment management, B2B, B2C, back-office, business intelligence, calendar, campaign design, contact, contact management, control, corporate, CRM, CRM software, customer, customer management, customer relationship management ... |
Outsourcing, Romania, Software, offshore development, Programming House Outsource Projects, appointment management, B2B, B2C, back-office, business intelligence, calendar, campaign design, contact, contact management, control, corporate, CRM, CRM software, customer, customer management, ...
Software and advertising company at its basis, AltFactor engaged into national and international eLearning projects. The clients can choose from several tool packs, including design tools, 3-d and multimedia technologies, pedagogical skills. |
software, eLearning (e-Learning), eContent (e-Content), 3D, open source, project, proposal, R&D, research, development, outsourcing, IT&C, ICT, WBT, CBT, LCMS, XML, SCORM, application, animation, ...
|, das Portal für Produkte rund um das Internet. DSL, Webhosting, Mobiles Internet, Server und vieles mehr... |
1&1, Webhosting, Domain, Puretec, 0700, Shop, Shops, surfen, Internet-Zugang, Internet, E-Mail, Outlook, Messaging, billig, schnell, günstig, DSL, ADSL, Netzanschluss, Flatrate, ...
Patronatul Asociatia Nationala a Agentiilor de Turism din Romania (ANAT), este o organizatie care are drept scop reprezentarea si apararea intereselor profesionale ale membrilor sai (agentii de turism, entitati din domeniul turismului), pe plan intern si international, garantarea exercitarii profesiei in turism, sporirea contributiei la ridicarea nivelului calitativ al activitatii turistice din Romania. Lista membrilor ANAT, curs valutar, targ de turism |
association, national, travel agency, travel agencies, Romania, anat, ANAT, A.N.A.T., trip, travel, holyday, accommodation, incoming, outgoing, beach, sea side, mountain, SPA, business travel, professional travel association, ...
