CDGS is a Romanian law firm specialized in private equity, banking, real estate and public-private partnerships. |
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advertising, company, firm, communication, relations, press, strategies, companie, company, firma, comunicare, relatii, presa, strategie,
evenimente, events, expertiza, expretise, servicii, services, promovare, profesionalism, pr, professionals, promotion, publicitate, clienti, clients
agentie, agency, relatii publice, public relations, media, management, monitorizare, implementare, solutii, solutions, studiu de caz, key study |
...Cool Media Production is a full service video production company. We can handle most types and styles of video production, streaming media and other digital imaging services, offering originality and flexibility to any project all of this at best prices. We combine creativity with over 10 years of TV video production making our servicies unsurpassed... |
grafica, video, editare, montaj, 2d, 3d, spoturi, film, movies, advertising, publicitate, avi, codec, etc, ads, TV, banner exchange, Cool, Media, Productions, ...
DECORPORATE MEDIA - True Attitude - Integrated Planning, Relatii publice, Creatie, Marketing direct, Internet Marketing, Organizari de evenimente |
ana holding, ana hotels, arh. dan agent (m.top_east), arh. ileana timotin, atlantis mediterraneo, best print services, bitdefender, certinvest, credit zone, dacia groupe renault, dr. soleil, euroexpo, icf eco construct, incentive insight, intercapital invest, isra center marketing research, its events management, ministerul culturii si cultelor, mn+t group, petstar holding, ...
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Grup de consultanta si solutii in management si tehnologie. Group for consulting and solutions in management and technology. |
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Economic Statistics for Romania, Business opportunities, Investment data for industry, agriculture, transport |
Romania, Factbook, 2000, Business, Investors, Statistics, Commerce, Industries, Legislation, opportunities, planning, economic, services, market, trends, energy, maps, trade, regulations, publications, ...
Full service production house offering integrated services for audio/video production and post-production/Servicii integrate de productie si post-productie audio-video |
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We are a new breed agency. Ultimately we are an organization where creativity supersedes everything but accountability. |
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We promptly empower our clients to significantly increase their performances and results by promoting their products or services with the most efficient means belonging to creative integrated communication. |
communication, comunicare, publicitate, advertising, agency, ad, ads, creative, fotografie, photography, prepress, pre-press, design, tipografie, creatie, materiale promotionale, printare, btl, ...
