The entry page to Dimsoft's Web site. Find software (Hansa, Microsoft, Symantec), solutions, answers, support, and Dimsoft news. |
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Affordable software engineering and web development outsourcing or subcontracting in Eastern Europe, with U.S- and Europe-based project management. Dragos Matei Engineering and A+ students of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest assist software publishers, IT consultants, web design companies, real estate companies, and any company looking to outsource or subcontract their Web, Windows, Linux, Palm OS, or Windows CE application development. |
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Bearings Romania - This site does not promote an unique offer, but it gives those who want to develop their own business the possibility to use this instrument with maximum efficiency and confidentiality. The negotiators' identity is secret up to the moment the biddings are completed and it becomes known only to those partners who decided to close the deal. The site has the structure of a portal and a dynamic evolution, which take into account your needs and opinions. |
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The entry page to Dimsoft's Web site. Find software (Hansa, Microsoft, Symantec), solutions, answers, support, and Dimsoft news. |
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Affordable software engineering and web development outsourcing or subcontracting in Eastern Europe, with U.S- and Europe-based project management. Dragos Matei Engineering and A+ students of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest assist software publishers, IT consultants, web design companies, real estate companies, and any company looking to outsource or subcontract their Web, Windows, Linux, Palm OS, or Windows CE application development. |
subcontract, subcontracting, outsource, outsourcing, software engineering, web portals, application development, web development, Windows, Unix, Linux, Windows CE, Palm OS, , C, C++, Visual C++; Visual Basic, Rational Rose, KWRITE, VBA, ...
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Bucharest based flower shop featuring fresh flowers and arrangements for same day local delivery and next day delivery across Romania. Easter flowers gift, roses, flower bouquets and floral arrangements. Same day flowers delivery to Bucharest, Timisoara and Iasi. Send flowers to Bucharest and flowers to Romania. Flowers, roses, floral bouquets and arrangements for special occasions. Livrare flori la domiciliu oriunde in Romania, Bucuresti si imprejurimi. Trimite buchete de flori proaspete, trand ... |
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