Pagina oficiala SC AEROTEH GP SA Bucuresti |
atlas, electromotoare, alternatoare, gleichrichter, starter, ankers, ritzel, regler, perii, brushsets, generator, solenoid, regulator tensiune, module de aprindere, releu bujii incandescente, cargo, huco, transpo, unipoint, orem, ...
Independent consultancy, defining and managing political and regulatory risk across Central and South East Europe. |
governmet relations, political analysis, regulatory analysis, political risk, political advocacy, business risk, public affairs, private equity, merges and acquisitions, investment, strategy consultancy, public policy
Geneva Romfarm International - Developing / Distributing - Romanian Pharmaceutical Market |
GRFI, pharmaceutical, market, therapeutic, intelligence, introduction,
regulatory, pricing, promotion, branding, logistics, distribution Serono Rhodia
Autoritatea Nationala de Reglementare in Comunicatii |
Communications Romania National regulatory authority NRA Autoritatea Nationala de Reglementare in Comunicatii,
producator si distribuitor capete termostatice, vane de echlibrare si regulatoare, IMI International, Heimeier, TA, capete termostatice, vane, echilibrare, vane de echilibrare, controlul presiunii diferentiale, legionela, controlul debitului, debit, servomotoare, vane de reglaj, vane de control |
cap termostatic, robinet, robinet termostatic, regulator, IMI International, Heimeier, TA, capete termostatice, robinet, robinete, echilibrare, vane de echilibrare, legionela, echilibrare hidraulica, debit, servomotor, servomotoare, vane de reglaj, vane de control, ...
iStorm - Software and Web Development Company - Many European, mainly German, firms see Eastern Europe as an increasingly favorable near shore alternative. While cultural affinities, cost, language skills, strong technical capabilities, and minimal data-regulatory issues makes offshoring to these countries so tempting, Romania and Eastern Europe as a whole will step up the heat on India as yet another BPO hot spot in 2005. Eastern Europe's forte: a strong talent pool with bias towards mathematic ... |
outsourcing, software development, software, web, web development, web design, Java, C++, php, asp, coldfusion, oracle, SQL server, MS Access, C/C++, Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++ Builder, Java, Symantec Visual Café, Microsoft Visual J++, ...
JUMO - partenerul dumneavoastră pentru aparate de măsură, regulatoare, controlere, înregistratoare |
măsură, măsură, reglare, regulator, controler, înregistratoare, înregistratoare, înregistratoare, service, rezistenţe de măsură, rezistenţă de măsură, termorezistenţă, senzor de temperatură, senzori de temperatură, Pt100, termoelement, termocuplu, temperatură, temperatură, umiditate, ...
Lobby & Connect offers unique expertise in traversing the intricacies of romanian regulatory schemes to obtain the requisite licenses and other authorizations in order to facilitate our client's smooth involvement in business. |
Spirulina, natural, naturista, supliment nutritional, vitamine, minerale, slabit, slabire, regim, energizant, imunostimulator, bactericid, hepatoprotector, antianemic, glicemie, proteine, aminoacizi, antibacterian, infectii, infectioase, ...