Anandakali - astrograme si zodiac |
Atelierul de mobila Ancarma executa la comanda orice tip de mobila numai din lemn masiv si se evidentiaza prin mobilierul etnic pictat. |
mobila, pictata, atelier, mobilier la comanda, lemn, scaunel, pat, dulap, scara, etajera, masuta, lada de zestre, blidar, etnic
Software-ul de aplicatie integrat Aplix ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) rezolva evidenta financiar contabila si de gestiune, problemele legate de evidenta mijloacelor fixe si obiectelor de inventar si evidenta resurselor umane. |
erp, crm, client, server, relational, firebird, sgbdr, sql, sqlroots, sqlkraft, componente, analiza, contabilitate, financiar, trezorerie, gestiune, mijloace fixe, productie, salarii, resurse, ...
S.C. ARCOLINE S.R.L. TRANSPORT DE MARFĂ INTERNATIONAL - încarcaturi complete si partiale cu camioane de 20 t sau 3 t pe relatiile: Italia, Spania, Portugalia, Germania, Belgia, Olanda, Franta si Anglia. |
Asociatia Romana a Profesionistilor in Relatii Publice reprezinta interesele profesionistilor in Relatii Publice din Romania. ARRP reuneste specialisti in comunicare din institutii publice, agentii, companii si organizatiii neguvernamentale, precum si liber-profesionisti si cadre didactice din facultati de profil. |
Relatii Publice, PR, ARRP, campanie de relatii publice, comunicare publica, specialist in comunicare, profesionist in relatii publice, specialist in relatii publice, profesionist, specialist, Relatii Publice, PR, membri, comunicare, comunicator, comunicator public, IPRA, CERP, Romania., ...
Outsourcing web, Outsourcing php mysql, Outsourcing, Romania, Software, offshore development, Online Appointments, Online Schedule, Online Scheduling, Online Inventory, programari online, asigurari online, program brokeri asigurari, Programming House Outsource Projects, appointment management, B2B, B2C, back-office, business intelligence, calendar, campaign design, contact, contact management, control, corporate, CRM, CRM software, customer, customer management, customer relationship management ... |
Outsourcing, Romania, Software, offshore development, Programming House Outsource Projects, appointment management, B2B, B2C, back-office, business intelligence, calendar, campaign design, contact, contact management, control, corporate, CRM, CRM software, customer, customer management, ...
Romanian based APT Resources 2 divisions: PR Communications & HR services. Event marketing, media relations, financial PR, graphic design are practiced. Also payroll processing, employee leasing, HR regulations counsel, staff team building programs. |
Admin, Advertising, Agency, APT, Artwork, Assessment, Brand, Branding, Calcul salarial, Call Center, Career, Communication, Conference, Copywriting, Cost, Councelling, Creative, CV, development, Employee, ...
We'll create passion for you! As one of the leading web development and event organizer societies in Mures county we have extended our activities to a broad range of advertising, consulting and PR services. |
passion, art, manufact, events, web, advertising, public relations, PR, Transylvania, romania, design, developement, Tirgu, Targu, Mures, Flash, Flex, XML, Joomla, portal, ...
Executive MBA, Programe management Executive Education |
Asebuss, MBA, EXECUTIVE MBA, Cursuri management, Program management, Scoala afaceri, Training, Educatie manageriala, Management, Leadership, Marketing, Vanzari, Managementul proiectelor, Resurse umane, Finante, IFRS, Relatii publice, Comunicare, Negociere, Managementul stocurilor, ...
Online sales and auction management. Vendio provides Smart Services to Smart Sellers (TM). Vendio enables businesses of all size to leverage the distribution potential of the Internet. Through its suite of sales management services and full-service asset remarketing solutions, Vendio helps businesses efficiently promote, sell, and distribute their products online by automating and managing every element of the online sales process. Services offered include inventory management, online store cre ... |
auction, auctions, online auction, action, auctioneer, auctioneers, auction company, auction portal, auction site, auction image hosting, auction counters, auction manager, auction management, AW, image hosting, online selling, small business, SMB, small businesses services, customer relationship management, ...