Revo ABS - Solutii, Servicii pentru Vanzari, Marketing, Relatii si Suport Clienti, Resurse Umane si Management activitati si Proiecte |
business, afaceri, online, on-line, e-commerce, ecommerce, catalog, magazin, marketing, rapoarte, crm, erp, vanzari, suport, relatii, clienti, crm, sfa, marketing automation, website, ...
Radio Targu-Mures este un post teritorial de radio care emite in judetele transilvanene: Alba, Mures, Harghita, Covasna, Brasov, fiind cel mai ascultat post de radio, fiind clasat pe locul intai in topul preferintelor ascultatorilor de limba romana si maghiara, lider in clasamentele celor mai bune programe de stiri, economice, sociale, de sport, cultura si muzica populara. |
Mures, Radiomures, Radio Tg Mures, Targu-Mures, Tirgu Mures, emisiuni, emisiune, muzica populara, stiri, emisie, emite, avanpremiera, programe, sport, echipa, dedicatii, limba maghiara, limba germana, grila, linkuri, ...
Produse dupa Categorie, Produse IT, Placi de Baza, Socket A, Socket 378, Socket 478, Socket 754, Socket 775, Socket 939, Socket 940, Socket 604, Procesoare, AMD, Intel, Sisteme Mobile, PDA, SmartPhone, Car Navigator, Barebones Notebook, Notebook, ...
Concentrandu-se atat asupra progresului continuu cat si asupra relatiilor pe termen lung create cu clientii si partenerii sai, R&M international 94 doreste sa demonstram nivelele cele mai inalte de angajament in livrarea de satisfactie clientului, progres continuu al proceselor business-ului si angajamentul personalului. Acest scop este atins datorita dedicarii cu care abordam calitatea. |
softhouse international, softhouse, sofhouse-int, international, software, solutions, IT solutions, web applications, applications, websites, manager, technologies,
database, protocol, development, html, asp, sqlserver, php, perl, ...
Infiintata in 1994, Sistec-SBsol este recunoscuta de clientii si partenerii sai pentru profesionalism, expertiza in afaceri si capacitatea de a transforma solutii IT si tehnologii in solutii cu valoare adaugata |
Sistec-Sbsol, sistec, sbsol, softbiz, standard business, solvision, winsol, our business is to improve other people's business, specialisti, business, aplicatii IT, servicii IT, solutii consacrate, solutii customizate, calificari, certificari, consultanta de business, analiza de business, process re-engineering, management de proiecte, ...
combustibili, lubrifianti si accesorii auto; servicii de asistenta tehnica, prin intermediul unei retele de parteneri de service; distributia de cartele de credit carausilor romani; rezervari la ferryboat pe toate relatiile; recuperarea TVA; confectii si reparatii de prelate auto si copertine, etc.; expeditii in trafic inter si international: autocamioane complete, grupaje, transporturi speciale de genul marfurilor agabaritice sau ADR
Skepsis Consult is a well-established and successful business in the field of Web Development. Our knowledge, abilities, and personalised customer support together with commitment and loyalty helped us achieve the best way to fulfil the necessities and requirements of our clients. |
Skepsis Consult, develop on demand, web development, Outsourcing, Programming, develop, optimize, custom, customized, search engine optimization, Installation, Configuration, relational database, interfaces, conversion, Internet and Intranet solution, CRM, Customer Relationship Management, ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, ...
SMARTSOFT is a Software Development company, offering: Outsourcing, Web Marketing, E-learning, E-Business and Web Design services |
software, development, outsourcing, web design, web services, web, project, E-commerce, ecommerce, ebusiness, eprocurement, internet, website, web marketing, webmarketing, programming, IT, database, modelling, UML, ...
Gateway to Electronics, Games, Music, Movies, Financial Service and Sony Websites Worldwide, and Group Information, Corporate Information, Investor Relations, Corporate Social Responsibility, and more. |