The entry page to Dimsoft's Web site. Find software (Hansa, Microsoft, Symantec), solutions, answers, support, and Dimsoft news. |
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Direct Marketing Group is a Romanian advertising agency specialized in databases and direct marketing programs. |
Direct marketing, marketing direct, Direct mail, database, promotions, list, direct e-mail, baze de date, trimiteri postale, lista, consumatori, clienti, firme, baza de date, management promotii, call-center, ...
Secpral COM Romania. - sisteme de alarma, sisteme antiincendiu si prevenire incendiu, automatizari, control acces, televiziune cu circuit inchis, interfonie, videointerfonie, de 10 ani in Romania. |
secpral, Motion detectors, dsc, com, www, control, pc, DSC, Digital Security Controls, digital, Sur-gard, Kantech, InOut, alarm, alarms, alarme, burglar, system, systems, cctv, ...
| - distribuitor german de remorci pentru autoturisme ofera remorci monoax, tandem, cu sistem de basculare, frigorifice, pentru transportul de animale, pentru transporul auto si speciale |
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Siemens System Partner - Centrale telefonice, call center centrala telefonica voip, telefoane fixe si fara fir DECT, centrale telefonice Siemens, service centrala telefonica Siemens Alcatel |
Elink Telecom romanian outsourcing company, offering software development services, it consulting for web, client server and desktop applications. Remote controll using pic, microcontrollers, pcb and wireless networks for data transmisions. |
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SC. Elit Auto Center SRL. - Piese Auto Import, Import Autoalkatreszek bo valaszteka |
Alkatresz, Piese Auto Import, piese auto import, Elit, Auto, Elit Auto, elit, auto, elit auto, olaj, csapagy, alkatresz, kenoanyag, auto alkatresz udvarhely, auto alkatresz szekelyudvarhely, autoalkatresz, autoalkatrszesz udvarhely, autoalkatresz szekelyudvarhely, ...
Acces Internet, ISP, Internet Service Provider, Telefonie, VoIP, Telefonie Fixa, Softphone, Phone ID, Internet, access, fibra optica, wireless, dial-up, acces dedicat, hosting, collocation, colocare, datacenter, datacentre, ip vpn, ...
Litere volumetrice, tridimensionale realizate din
polistiren cu ajutorul calculatorului |
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