Our programs are targeted to amateurs who are willing to discover the richness and the diversity of this remote place of wilderness in Europe, as well to the specialists who will find here a wild field of observation and research.We provide great accomodation but in the same time we keep you close to the nature through our trips and fishing programs. The base of our services is a floating hotel wich can be moved in different areas of the Danube Delta. Besides we organize trips by rowing boats or ... |
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Remote website, web server & server monitoring from worldwide locations with SMS & Email alerts. |
Eaton is a power quality industry-leader offering Powerware uninterruptible power systems and DC power systems for reliable backup power in addition to power management and network monitoring software with remote monitoring options to provide the best UPS power protection solution |
Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system, ROND ELECTRIC - Despre noi |
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Secpral COM Romania. - sisteme de alarma, sisteme antiincendiu si prevenire incendiu, automatizari, control acces, televiziune cu circuit inchis, interfonie, videointerfonie, de 10 ani in Romania. |
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Servicii IT: Prin serviciul Help-Desk suntem la dispozitia clientilor, 24 de ore pe zi si 7 zile pe saptamana, pentru orice problema care poate aparea putem interveni in maxim 3 ore dela primirea solicitarii, astfel incat activitatea acestora sa se poata desfasura in conditii optime. Serviciul este asigurat de personal certificat in produse Microsoft. |
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La aceasta destinatie va propunem o noua tehnologie prezenta acum si in Romania. Raritan este un lider in tehnologia KVM. SOlutiile propuse sunt bazate pe solutii KVM Standard, KVM OverCat 5, KVM Over IP, si solutii centralizate de management a companiei |
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TrustNet security solutions inspire confidence by securing e-business. Solutions include identity management, access management, secure mobile and remote access, secure enterprise access, and secure transactions. |
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WatchGuard gives you powerful firewall and VPN appliances for small and medium-size enterprises. |
