JDSU Romania, JDSU Authorized Channel Partner, Reprezentanta JDSU, Distribuitor JDSU, Certificare, LAN, Certificare LAN, Validator NT 950 - 955, SC KABELKON SRL, KABELKON, CATV, Aparate de masura, JDSU, Amplificatoare, Cabluri, Optice, Coax, Acterna, Promax, Prolink, Gheorgheni, Harghita, Romania, SDA, DSAM, MS1400, ALMS, Produse CATV, Cablu TV, Internet, Telefonie, CMTS, VoIP, Modemuri |
JDSU Romania, JDSU Authorized Channel Partner, Reprezentanta JDSU, Distribuitor JDSU, Certificare, LAN, Certificare LAN, Validator NT 950 - 955, KABELKON, CATV, Aparate de masura, JDSU, Amplificatoare, Cabluri, Optice, Coax, Acterna, Promax, Prolink, Gheorgheni, ...
Adezivi tip PVAC calitate D2, D3, D4 pentru panouri masive din fag, stejar ; stratificat termopane, mobilier masiv. |
Adezivi D3, D4, poliuretanici, postforming, softforming, reprezentanta KLEIBERIT in ROMANIA, PUR, KLEBROM, stratificat termopan, panouri masive fag, stejar, industria lemnului, klebchemie, klebit 303, pur 501, kleiberit euroadeziv 320, montgeleime 305, adezivi de de topire, pentru furniruire, parchet, ...
Solvay Pharmaceuticals are reprezentante in 46 tari din toata lumea. Urmand principiul : |
TERMOPLUS este reprezentantul Lamborghini Calor in Romania pentru centrale, cazane, arzatoare si boilere |
cazane, centrale, perete, apartament, murala, termice, centrala termica, wall, hung, iron cast boiler, boilere, fonta, arzator, burner, brener, arzatoare, bruleur, teava, pipe, tub, ...
Wilhelm romco unic reprezentant in romania Lifturi persoane ORONA – Spania, Lifturi de marfa HIDRAL Spania |
lifturi persoane, lifturi marfa, lift, ascensor, wilhelm, romania, bucuresti, lifturi, ascensoare, hidral, orona
Roland D.G. Romanian official web site, equipments, accesories, service, online consulting, Pagina oficiala Roland D.G. pentru Romania, Cutter-Plotters, Printers Piezo/Solvent, Modelling & Scanning 3D |
cut, plot, print, vinyl, cutter, plotter, eco solvent, print, roland romania, large format printer, inkjet, solvent, piezo, art, poster, print, 1440, dpi, high, resolution, ...
Malko Logistics is a local reprezentant of Manuel Coffe Italia (the leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee in the world). |
Malko, Manuel, Manuel Cafea Italia, Gift, Cadou,
Coffee, coffe, coffie, Coffee beans, Coffee sampler, Coffee at home, Coffee gifts,
Coffee brewer, Coffee brewers, Coffee maker, Coffee makers,
Espresso machine, Espresso machines, Espresso, expresso, ...
Pagina oficiala MAN Roland Romania. Informatii despre masini de tiparit, oferte de service, noutati, utilaje second hand |
MAN, Roland, MAN Roland, Druckmaschinen, AG, Druckmaschinen, Druck, Druckindustrie, Digitaldruck, Bogendruck, Rollendruck, News, Infomaterial, Digital, Bogen, Rolle, Offset, Rollenoffset, Bogenoffset, Verpackungsdruck, ...
MARAZZI este cel mai mare producator de gresie-fainata din lume. Calitate, profesionalism, lux. MARAZZI CERAMICHE SpA ROMANIA este reprezentanta MARAZZI in Romania. |
marazzi, ceramiche, romania, ceramice, gresie, faianta, portelanata, pardoseli, fatade, constructii, MARAZZI, webmyc.com, Octavian Popa
Margran Cluj-Napoca este cel mai important organizator de targuri si expozitii privat din Transilvania, reprezentantul oficial in Romania al firmelor Hungexpo Budapesta si Terinvest Praga. |
