Introspectie in culoare. Galeria virtuala a artistei Gabriela Cocora. |
Magazin on line cu materiale pentru pictura: culori acrilice, culori ulei, sevalete, pensule, aerografe si vopsea textile, sasiuri cu panza pictura, matrite lumanari, hartie de desen, foita de aur, mozaic. Livrare in Bucuresti, Iasi, Cluj, Timisoara, etc. |
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Dana Art Gallery - Galerie virtuala de arta |
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Photo Gallery - Dan and Larisa - pictures made on our special events and many others. Have fun! |
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Desene pentru camera copilului - Alina Rizea. |
Imagine a world without art -- no paintings, no sketches, no statues in the parks. A world without art would be pretty empty, dull, and cold. So even though people may try to tell you otherwise, and even though you probably won’t make your living at it, art does matter. But even if you do become one of the lucky few who can pay the bills with art, you’ ll need to let go of any romantic visions you have of working day and night to create a masterpiece. |
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articole si resurse legate de cresterea, intretinerea, alimentatia si sanatatea dihorilor. sfatul specialistului. |
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