"Trade Media" reprezintă un brand proprietate al "AZAYO TRADE S.R.L.", o companie tânără, importatoare de sisteme publicitare profesionale, cu o viziune largă asupra viitorului în domeniul publicitar fiind condusă de o echipă de tineri antreprenori cu experiență în acest domeniu. |
roll-up, rollup, pop-up, popup, spider, stand brosuri, casete luminoase, print, indoor, oputdoor, sample desk, promoter desk, sampling, steag, steaguri, ...
Trupa Atelier sustine show-uri 100% live la petreceri private, nunti, botezuri, party corporate cu muzica anilor 60-70 și până la hiturile din zilele noastre (rock-n-roll, dance, disco, pop, latino, reggae) |
Concurs de biciclete downhill organizat in Cluj Napoca In data de 28 May 2011. Acest concurs se va desfasura pe scarile dealului Cetatuia situat in apropiere de centrul orasului. |
downhill, dropnroll, drop n roll, hobby byke, cluj, romania, parang, updowncup, downstairs dual downhil, biciclete, ciclism, mountain-byke, updowncup.ro
ArtSoft Consult - Romanian based software outsourcing company, located in Cluj-Napoca. Outsourcing / offshore services in software development. |
Java, oracle, outsourcing, offshore, software, Romania, development, database, custom, IT Outsourcing, Eastern Europe, Rollout, Testing, mobile, Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Business, Investitii, Investition, Kapital, ...
Bancor Hardmetal Tools Limited is a Romanian-German Manufacturing Joint-Venture Company, specialized in Tungsten Carbide Tooling and Wear Parts. |
bancor, hardmetal, tools, hardmetal tools, bancor hardmetal tools, extrusion tools for cross heads, insulation lines, welding electrodes extrusion tools, sandblasting nozzels, cutting wire guides, special nozzles, insert for nail making tools, hardmetal balls and seats for oil pumps, ceramic balls and seats for oil pumps, sealing rings, glass cutting wheels, hardmetal needles, special hardmetal parts, hardmetal rolls, extrusion dies and punches, ...
Productie Publicitara, Printuri Digitale, Indoor, Outdoor, Print Digital, Mari Dimensiuni, Format Mare, Masa, Stand, Sampling, Mese, Standuri, Expozitionale, Expo, Roll Up, Banner, RollUp, Pop Up, PopUp, Spider, Display, Displayuri, X, Easy, T, Totem, Totemuri, Poster Frame, People Stopper, Produse, Obiecte, Materiale Promotionale |
Productie Publicitara, Printuri Digitale, Indoor, Outdoor, Print Digital, Mari Dimensiuni, Format Mare, Masa, Stand, Sampling, Mese, Standuri, Expozitionale, Expo, Roll Up, Banner, RollUp, Pop Up, PopUp, Spider, ...
tvshop.ro is an European website with a large product mix ranging from music, fitness, helth & beauty, to home wares and self-imporvement. Visit www.tvshop.ro ! |
tvshop, tv shop., tv-shop, abenergizer, ab, energizer, orbitrek, platinum, rollo, permanent kiss, creepy crawlies, ab swing, abswing, superstyler, super styler, revostyler, revo styler, comet, comet body contour, energym trim tronic, ...
canari, canari de cantec, concurs canari, roller, canari roller, roller concurs, chidu canari, sosdesign, cisnadie, primaria cisnadie, trasilvanya, transilvania, pasari cantatoare, sibiu, concurs pasari, pasarele, papagali, concurs de canari roller, cisnadioara 2007, ...
...Cool Media Production is a full service video production company. We can handle most types and styles of video production, streaming media and other digital imaging services, offering originality and flexibility to any project all of this at best prices. We combine creativity with over 10 years of TV video production making our servicies unsurpassed... |
grafica, video, editare, montaj, 2d, 3d, spoturi, film, movies, advertising, publicitate, avi, codec, etc, ads, TV, banner exchange, Cool, Media, Productions, ...
crocom, crocom offers ball bearings, roller bearings, needle bearings, thrust ball bearings, rulmenti, rulmenti de presiune, rulmenti axiali, rulmenti oscilanti |
