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SUBEX SA is a major fastener manufacturer in Romania that produces screws, bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, stud bolts, anchors. SUBEX designs and manufactures custom-made items
and fasteners for many industries SUBEX SA este liderul producatorilor de organe de asamblare din Romania.Produce suruburi, piulite, saibe, prezoane, nituri, bride.SUBEX proiecteaza si executa o gama larga de
produse speciale si produse standardizate pentru diverse domenii de activitate |
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Aquis Grana impex SRL - Hosting & Design WEB - Talente... ! |
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Giant schnauzer kennel - Black giant schnauzer, standard and miniature schnauzer Breeder. |
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takeMS provides memory products that fit your needs. If you need to upgrade your Notebook memory, your desktop memory or your server RAM we have the solution you need. Our products include all formats of Flash Memory such as SD Cards, mini SD, MicroSD (transflash), SDHC, Compact Flash and special photo flash card series for professionals. Also available are innovative USB Flash Drives, entertainment devices like multimedia players (MP3 and MP4), digital TV, FM transmitter and related accessorie ... |
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takeMS provides memory products that fit your needs. If you need to upgrade your Notebook memory, your desktop memory or your server RAM we have the solution you need. Our products include all formats of Flash Memory such as SD Cards, mini SD, MicroSD (transflash), SDHC, Compact Flash and special photo flash card series for professionals. Also available are innovative USB Flash Drives, entertainment devices like multimedia players (MP3 and MP4), digital TV, FM transmitter and related accessorie ... |
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