IT Outsourcing Romania, Software Development, Graphic design Dedicated Team |
CREASYS, SSII roumaine, services et développements informatiques Offshore, logiciel, Roumanie, régie, forfait |
CREASYS, Software, Informatique, Logiciel, Offshore, Outsourcing, SSII, Information Technology Company, IT, Solution, Services, Support, Romania, Roumanie, Development, Développement, Consulting, Conseil, Internet, Intranet, ...
Outsourcing, Softwareentwicklung Outsourcing, Offshore Auftragsprogrammierung, Rumänien, Siebenbürgen, Java, Delphi, C#, C++, PHP |
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Webdesign, Interactive web animations, Multimedia Business Card CDs, Graphic Design, Logo Creation, Branding and Layout Design, Web advertising campaigns, Web hosting and maintenance |
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Offshore software development outsourcing. Innovative IT is a leading offshore outsourcing, software outsourcing and offshore software development provider from Iasi, Romania. Innovative IT offers priced high quality offshore outsourcing services such as offshore development center, custom software development, product development, technology consulting, offshore programming, localization and test outsourcing. |
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DirectVision is a Romanian based software company, with headquarters in Bucharest, specialized in business analysis consultancy, software development and deployment and application tuning and optimization. We bring together a group of high level IT experts, a dynamic group of young professionals who are particularly experienced in international multilingual working environment. |
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| charges in real-time credit cards by connecting your website with our gateway system. We give you bank checking account and Tax free sales |
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Your American IT Company Abroad. ESD is a Romanian IT shop specialized in offshore software development, outsourcing, staffing, custom software development and professional quality assurance. |
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