Null Team is a company that provides telephony, VoIP, IP Telephony solutions based on Yate ( ) and Sangoma. |
internet telephony, ip telephony, internet telephony server, internet telephony client, computer telephony, pc telephony, telephony software, ip telephony server, ip telephony client, free software telephony server, telephony server, telephony engine, telephony, Voip, voice over ip, gateway, pstn, ivr, interactive voice response, h323, ...
Project exchange is a business related site designed to help developers to bid on projects. |
RAV Antivirus Website - Reliable AntiVirus Solutions, AntiVirus Research, Statistics |
Yaha, Klez, Magistr, Sircam, romanian, RAV, antivirus, virus, scan, shopping, online, scanning, gecad, software, security, data, malware, trojan, macro, worm, ...
RAV Antivirus Website - Reliable AntiVirus Solutions, AntiVirus Research, Statistics |
Yaha, Klez, Magistr, Sircam, romanian, RAV, antivirus, virus, scan, shopping, online, scanning, gecad, software, security, data, malware, trojan, macro, worm, ...
Piata de licitari pentru finalizare proiecte (software, design, traduceri) bazate pe specificatii personalizate! |
rent coder, inchiriaza programator, software personalizat, traduceri, programare la comanda, webdesign, licitatii software, outsourcing romania, preturi programare, proiecte soft, soft la comanda
Software Programe aplicatii, servicii IT, pagini web, SQL PHP C++ Streaming, firma de soft |
chat, soft, update, windows, flash, linux, cooler, audio, video, sound, mp3, discount, low, radio, tv, catv, monitor, statistic, visual,
protection, ...
Romsoft - romanian IT&Communication distribution company: computers, computer devices, internet, communicaton devices, network, ISP |
Romsoft, hardware, licenced software, IT solusions, computers, internet, ISP, screen, flat screen, monitor, video card, sound card, hard drive, HDD, FDD, floppy, network card, network, modem, Intel, ...
Native Romanian translators specialized in IT, Technical, Marketing, we offer quality-controlled Technical Translation, Business Translation, Web site Localization and Software Localization, from English, Italian and German into Romanian. |
Romanian, Rumanian, Romanian Translations, Romanian Translation, Rumanian Translations, Rumanian Translation, English To Romanian, English To Romanian Translation, Romanian Language, Romanian Language Translation, Romanian Translator, Romanian Translators, Romanian Language Translators, Romanian Language Translator, Localization, Software Localization, Website Localization, Website Localization Service, Romanian Localization, Localization Into Romanian, ...
Software Programe aplicatii, servicii IT, pagini web, SQL PHP C++ Streaming, firma de soft |
chat, soft, update, windows, flash, linux, cooler, audio, video, sound, mp3, discount, low, radio, tv, catv, monitor, statistic, visual,
protection, ...
Personal site, dedicated to Romanian [software] localization issues, Sinclair Spectrum +3 8-bit computer and just a few other personal things ... |
cristian, secara, secarica, romanian, localization, keyboard, layout, driver, tastatura, romaneasca, kbdro, sinclair, spectrum, +3, plus3, art studio, cp/m, devpac, tasword, ...