Advantage Software Factory: Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania, Debt Collection Leader |
Advantage Software Factory, Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Sales Force automation, Customer Support, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania
Advantage Software Factory: Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania, Debt Collection Leader |
Advantage Software Factory, Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Sales Force automation, Customer Support, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania
Advantage Software Factory: Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania, Debt Collection Leader |
Advantage Software Factory, Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Sales Force automation, Customer Support, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania
IT profesionals - outsourcing Romania. |
software development, IT consultancy, software design, Romania, outsourcing Romania, Aries, outsourcing Aries, programming, software Romania, IT services, software testing, ISO, CMMi, Microsoft Gold Partner, IT R&D, IT Community Trasylvania, IT Cluster, contact center, call center, support center, ...
INITORA develops enterprise software solutions including stock administration, production administration . |
INITORA, ODBC, PocketPC, Pocket, PC, 2003, SFA, Sales, Force, Automation, OLEDB, ORACLE, enterprise application development, application transformation, source code control, software change management, software configuration management, software testing, database, odbc driver, ...
Key Soft - Solutii software pentru managementul afacerii. Solutie completa ce include ERP - Planificarea resurselor intreprinderii, CRM - Gestiunea relatiilor cu clientii, DMS - managementul documentelor si al fluxurilor, SFA - gestiunea fortei mobile de vanzari - agenti de vanzare, HR - resurse umane, Payroll - salarizare, B2C - Business to Consumer - Catalog web, BPM - Business Process Management - Automatizarea proceselor interne |
KeySoft, Key Soft, TMS Total Management System, solutii software management, baze de date, ERP - enterprise resource planning - planificarea resurselor intreprinderii - sistem ERP, solutie ERP, solutii integrate, CRM, DMS, SFA, HR, BI, Customer Relationship Management, Gestiunea relatiilor cu clientii, Document management system, managementul documentelor si al fluxurilor, Sales Force Automation, managementul agentilor de vanzari, Human Resources, ...
CRM (customer relationship management) and contact management software for sales management, marketing automation, customer service and support, and e-commerce. Over 5000 Maximizer Enterprise customers and one million Maximizer users worldwide |
CRM, Maximizer, customer management, contact manager, Sales Force Automation, Sales, relationship, marketing, customer service, ecbuilder, system, business partner, UK, customer database, Multiactive, ...
SOFTEXPERT - SFA, CRM, Business Intelligence Solutions |
softexpert, expert, sfa, crm, bi, sales force automation, customer relationship management, business intelligence, .net, mobile, solutii mobile, mobile agent
software Microsoft, automatizarea fortei de vanzari, produse Microsoft, sales force automation, SFA, software pentru dispozitive mobile, vindem software Microsoft, Optima Group |
software Microsoft, automatizarea fortei de vanzari, produse Microsoft, sales force automation, SFA, software pentru dispozitive mobile, vindem software Microsoft, Optima Group, Dictionar pentru Pocket Pocket PC, SQL Server, Inventariere mijloace fixe, Software pentru dispozitive mobile, Pocket PC, produse Microsoft, Servere Microsoft, Windows XP, Office 2003, ...
IT profesionals - outsourcing Romania. |
software development, IT consultancy, software design, Romania, outsourcing Romania, Aries, outsourcing Aries, programming, software Romania, IT services, software testing, ISO, CMMi, Microsoft Gold Partner, IT R&D, IT Community Trasylvania, IT Cluster, contact center, call center, support center, ...
