IT profesionals - outsourcing Romania. |
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PsihoBusiness Consulting, plan afaceri, business planning, marketing and sales planning, plan marketing vanzari, performanta, resurse umane, optimizare, procese organizationale, reorganizare, schimbare management, extindere, reducere, schimbare obiect activitate, disfunctionalitati procese, ...
Specialized in projects regarding: starting and developing new business, sales and marketing strategy, personnel strategy, consulting |
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Renault Trucks light and heavy commercial vehicles meet the needs of drivers and transport specialists. Our network is the home of true professionalism. |
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Renault Trucks light and heavy commercial vehicles meet the needs of drivers and transport specialists. Our network is the home of true professionalism. |
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Resinex Rom is a plastic, rubber and chemical raw materials distribution company. During the years we have built up professional purchasing, logistics and sales structure, to distribute branded raw materials in close partnership with our valued customers and suppliers. |
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IPIX ROMANIA realizeaza Tururile Virtuale IPIX la 360x360 de grade pentru website, CD-ROM Business Card, brosura email. |
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Travel Service Auto Rentals |
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società di vendita elevatori, autoscale, piattaforme aeree |
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