Imatex SA is shear holded company, established in 1948, specialized in production of machinery, for different industry sectors. Till 1990 the main activity was the production of the textile machinery but from then on regarding the market changes we had to change our company strategy and activities. |
Consultanta si intermediere tranzactii imobiliare Bucuresti. Terenuri de vanzare, apartamente, case / vile, birouri, spatii comerciale, depozite, hale, centre comerciale in Bucuresti si imprejurimi |
imoinvest, imobiliare, agentie imobiliara, vanzari, imobiliare Bucuresti, terenuri de vanzare in bucuresti, credit, vanzare, birouri, terenuri, teren, spatiu comercial, zona bucuresti, agricol, intravilan, casa teren, consultanta, investitii, oferte imobiliare, est, ...
Primaria sectorului 1, Directia Impozite si Taxe Locale |
AirLive, Air Live, OvisLink, Ovis Link, SENAO, Z-Com, ZCom, zcom, ZComax, zcomax, Antene Wireless, wireless, antene, 802.11 b, 802.11 g, 802.11 a, 802.11 a/b/g, D-Link, AirPlus, Motorole, ...
Irina Schrotter is one of the biggest names in the Romanian fashion, managing to impose not only a new style, but also a new approach on the idea of feminine elegance |
Irina, Schrotter, Irina Schrotter, fashion, fall-winter, fall, winter, spring, summer, collection, show, shop, Romanian Fashion, design, fashion design, design workshop, Romanian Fashion Week, Iasi, Romania, color, ...
AirLive, Air Live, OvisLink, Ovis Link, SENAO, Z-Com, ZCom, zcom, ZComax, zcomax, Antene Wireless, wireless, antene, 802.11 b, 802.11 g, 802.11 a, 802.11 a/b/g, D-Link, AirPlus, Motorole, ...
Isabelle, centru de slabire, infrumusetare si remodelare corporala |
Isabelle, centru de infrumusetare, slabire si remodelare corporala, slabire, infrumusetare, silueta, tratamente, electrostimulare, benzi termice, celulita, anticelulita, ultrasunet facial, masaj anticelulitic, relaxare, reflexoterapie, antistres, ...
VETLAND S.R.L. [Str. Republicii nr. 67, 415500 Salonta, Jud. Bihor, România | tel./fax: 0259-433685 | e-mail: | internet:] |
furaje, premix, premixuri, utilaje, nutreturi, concentrate, vitamine, minerale, aminoacizi, medicamente, animale, păsări, porcine, bovine, ovine, iepuri, caini, pisici, chinchilla, vetland, ...
Site-ul oficial al Liceului Greco-Catolic Timotei Cipariu Sector 1 Bucuresti |
Lido Hotel, rezervari, room service, Tv set, restaurant, braserie, mic dejun, sauna, Jacuzzi, beauty salon |
Lido Hotel, rezervari, room service, Tv set, restaurant, braserie, mic dejun, sauna, Jacuzzi, beauty salon, Romania, Bucharest,
