Galeria Noua are o noua identitate vizuala care o reprezinta extraordinar: este prietenoasa, fresh si unica. Aceasta identitate exprima foarte clar specializarea galeriei in zona de fotografie, arta video si proiecte new media. In plus, Galeria Noua demonstreaza ca este foarte atenta la feedback-ul vizitatorilor si in acelasi timp isi respecta promisiunea de a prezenta in Romania cele mai noi tendinte si concepte internationale din arta vizuala contemporana. Echipa add este de peste 2 ani alatur ... |
SOCIETATEA ROMÂNA DE RADIODIFUZIUNE a initiat si deruleaza un program complex de sustinere, prin evenimente, a pietei educationale românesti: Programul LECTURA. Principalele componente ale programului sunt TÂRGUL INTERNATIONAL „GAUDEAMUS – CARTE DE INVATATURA” si CARAVANA GAUDEAMUS. La fiecare editie, Târgul GAUDEAMUS prezinta o oferta educationala complexa si reprezentativa pentru intregul domeniu, in cadrul careia cartea ocupa locul central. Prin structura participarii, Târgul GAUDEAMUS acoper ... |
Situl oficial al Retelei de cartier Gemenii Network din Bucuresti, Romania |
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GFI offer fax server solution, email anti-virus and anti-spam software for Microsoft Exchange and email servers; Network security and monitoring tools; event log monitoring solutions for Windows NT/2000/2003. GFI sells its products through a worldwide network of resellers and distributors. |
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GAMESOFTHEGAMES.COM -PLay Free Online Flash games: fun, 3d, action addicting, adventure, arcade, all star, baby shower, barbiebaseball game, baseball games, basketball games, best games, board games, bowling games, bridal shower games, car games, card games, cartoon network games, chess games, computer games, cool games, disney games, download games, downloadable games, dress up games, drinking games, ea games, educational games, fighting games, fishing games, flash games, play games |
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General Security este o companie de elita pe piata sistemelor de securitate. Activitate: import / distributie / instalari - sisteme de securitate - antiefractie, sisteme de detectie incendiu - antiincendiu, sisteme de supraveghere video DVR CCTV, acces control, pontaj, antifurt, ticketing, detectie metale - sisteme si solutii integrate de securitate. |
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Fundatia Generatia are ca scop interventia psihoterapeutica pentru a ajuta copii, adolescenti, mame, tati, bunici, educatori, profesori, cadre medicale, precum si pe toti cei care se ocupa de copii, formarea specialistilor, precum si traducerea si publicarea de carti din literatura de specialitate. |
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Group of Independent Experts ROMANIA. GIE FOLOS consultants are offering technical assistance related to the environment: Management of the urban and industrial waste, Impact evaluation, Risk evaluation (SEVESO), Pollution monitoring (water, air, soil, waste, noise, transport), Environmental Audit (EMAS), Introduction of the environmental management systems in enterprises (ISO 14001), Market sectorial analysis, Training |