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| is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
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Centrum Romania is a full logistic service provider, offering the 'full package' of logistics services, and stands for professional services on a high quality level. |
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MCTI, Centrul de Expertiza ai Raspuns pentru Incidente de Securitate, Ministerul Comunicatiilor si Tehnologiei Informatiei, asistenta, alerte, virusologie, conformitate, ISO 17799, suport, CERIS, serviciul online de audit al securitatii informatice, securitatea sistemelor informatice, punct de contact unic, servicii publice electronice, vulnerabilitati, administratia publica |
MCTI, Centrul de Expertiza ai Raspuns pentru Incidente de Securitate, Ministerul Comunicatiilor si Tehnologiei Informatiei, asistenta, alerte, virusologie, conformitate, ISO 17799, suport, CERIS, serviciul online de audit al securitatii informatice, securitatea sistemelor informatice, punct de contact unic, servicii publice electronice, vulnerabilitati, administratia publica, ...
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