Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system |
Leaders of Freight Brokerage, Shipping, Chartering & Logistics. |
stockcargo, stoccargo, shipping, international transportation, freight broker, chartering, transport carriers, forwarders, logistic, truckload, air cargo, container load, tanker, break bulk, heavy transport, heavy equipment, large cargo, imports exports, ...
Proiect cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Investeşte în oameni! Axa prioritară 3 - Creşterea adaptabilităţii lucrătorilor şi a întreprinderilor. Domeniul Major de Intervenţie 3.2. - Formare şi sprijin pentru întreprinderi şi angajaţi pentru promovarea adaptabilităţii. Titlu proiect: Adaptabilitatea Angajaţilor Succesul Angajatorilor-ASA, Cod ID52837 |
coaching si mentoring, leadership, comunicare, active job, nord vest, oradea, romarketing, Competenţe sociale şi civice, managementul participativ, managementul performantei, managementul talentelor, managementul schimbarii, eficientizarea muncii,
Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system |
Discussions about system management technologies. Including, but not limited to, ConfigMgr, WDS, MDT, WSUS, Forefront, VMM, Hyper-V |
PHP - Think About It, php programming, PHP scripts add-ons, wordpress plugins |
Tehnomar:papuci electrici |
Tehnomar, executia de papuci de cablu cu margini rotunjite fara manson izolant, prelucrari mecanice generale, sistem de Management al Calitatii, Tg.Mures, Transilvania, judetul Mures, papuci electrici, papuci de cablu tip PTN, PTR, bucsa de racord, bucse
Joomla! - Sistemul de management al conținutului web |
Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system, The Company was established in 1994, by two associates, Z�rug Ladislau senior and Z�rug Laszl� junior, having the headquarters in ILIENI, Morii street, no.205D, Covasna County-Romania. It is a limited liability company with private capital. |
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Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system |