Cuvinte cautate: Situational team leadership | pagina 14


...::: Welcome to ONLINE-BUSINESS :::... - Adresa web
ONLINE-BUSINESS outsourcing and software development.

.:: OSM Tech ::. - Adresa web

Outdoor4u, teambuilding - Adresa web
Programe de teambuilding pentru companii.

Partner Trans Romania - Adresa web
By the highest standard of transport services together with the multilingual team of 32 emplyees, most of them trained in Denmark and Sweden, Partner Trans Romania SRL is daily keeping and showing its LOGO : REAL DANISH, FULL SERVICES.
● By the highest standard of transport services together with the multilingual team of 32 emplyees, most of them trained in Denmark and Sweden, Partner Trans Romania SRL is daily keeping and showing its LOGO : REAL DANISH, FULL SERVICES.

:: Picoil Info Consult :: - Adresa web

Outward Bound Professional, Home - Adresa web
Gaseste un program outdoor sau traininguri de formare destinate în special firmelor si institutiilor. Prin programul Outward Bound Professional Outward Bound Romania va ofera pe perioada întregului an experiente provocatoare în natura. În cadrul cursurilor si trainingurilor organizate de Outward Bound Romania angajatii firmelor au posibilitatea de a-si dezvolta deprinderile de conducere (leadership), lucrul în echipa (teamwork), încrederea în sine. Outward Bound Romania face parte din Outward Bo ...

Scoala de Pilotaj Stefan Vasile - Adresa web
Tehnici de pilotaj auto. Cursuri de pilotaj sportiv. Scoala de pilotaj de raliu. Evenimente si competitii automobilistice. Team building cu automobile, motociclete si ATV-uri.

Playground Paintball Club, Regie, Bucuresti. Jocuri si team-buildinguri, distractie pentru baieti si ... - Adresa web
Adrenalina si divertisment in Bucuresti, distractie zi si noapte. Concursuri, promotii, echipament gratuit (arma, masca, uniforma). Jocuri intre prieteni sau teambulding pentru firme.
● paintball bucuresti bile gratis programari teambuilding team-building firme corporate grozavesti nocturna iarba distractie adrenalina

plexiglas, suvenire, plachete, diplome, tombstone - Adresa web
Egyedi plexitárgyak gyártása, emléktárgyak plakettek és tombstone. Egyedi reklámtárgyak gyártása. A szép iránti vonzalom fő irányvonalunk.

Pluri Consultants - Adresa web Pluri Consultants - Reussir vos changements

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