IT, software, outsourcing, website design, WAP, Content Management, Systems Integration, E-Commerce, B2B, B2C, Web Applications, Data Capture, XML, XSL, ASP, Java, Delphi, Centura, Oracle, Sybase, ...
IT, software, outsourcing, website design, WAP, Content Management, Systems Integration, E-Commerce, B2B, B2C, Web Applications, Data Capture, XML, XSL, ASP, Java, Delphi, Centura, Oracle, Sybase, ...
AMCInfo consulting: servicii IT, colaborare IT, outsourcing, retele, consultanta, help desk, solutii software, AMCInfo, web design |
axinti.ro provides the best information technology solutions as custom software, database consulting, web systems development, web design |
custom software, web systems, web pages, web portals, database, design, mssql, mysql, eshop, e-shop, e-commerce, ecommerce, magazin online, mazine online, aplicatii, .net, c#, php, suceava, romania, ...
Solutiile noastre va ofera posibilitatea automatizarii, modernizarii si eficientizarii proceselor si activitatilor din cadrul companiei dumneavoastra. Gama de produse si servicii se afla intr-o continua dezvoltare si perfectionare folosind cele mai noi echipamente si tehnologii. |
servicii it, externalizare it, Servicii IT pe baza de abonament: mentenanta calculatoare si retele informatice, vanzare si implementare sisteme software & hardware, configurare, mentenanta si gazduire e-mail, dezvoltare si gazduire websites, VPN, AntiVirus, Antispam, Firewall, back-up, intretinere calculatoare, consultanta IT |
bitg, business, business it, consulting, services, hosting, web, design, group, otter, elearning, ecommerce, redhat, centos
Intertel Online - our division provides in-house software and graphic development for customized E-marketing solutions. |
online, web, site, interactive, agency, e-commerce, consulting, intertel, marketing, web design, creative, software, internet, creation, campaign, ...
Aplicatii Software, Web design, Portal development, e-commerce solutions. Logo design, IT consulting, search engine optimization, custom WinXP/Vista applications. |
software, website design, aplicatii software, web design, ecommerce design, website, aplicatii, application development, custom designs, portal development, redesign, corporate visual identity, logo design, search engine optimization, seo, online promotion, ...
UNIX, Windows, Administration, Consulting, Forum, Tools, Downloads, Webmail, mail, Service, Manager, Hardware, Software, Development, Server, Maintenance, Computers, calculatoare, gps, pda, hardware, laptop, imprimante, notebook, consumabile, componente, calculatoare, periferice, lcd, plasma, software, magazin, calculatoare, vanzari, calculatoare, calculatoare second hand, calculatoare second, navigatie, lcd tv, plasma tv, telefoane, magazine calculatoare, service calculatoare, consultanta, televizoare ... |
UNIX, Windows, Administration, Consulting, Forum, Tools, Downloads, Webmail, mail, Service, Manager, Hardware, Software, Development, Server, Maintenance, Computers, calculatoare, gps, pda, ...
