The MathWorks is the world‘s leading developer of technical computing software for engineers and scientists in industry, government, and education. |
mathworks, matlab, mathlab, simulink, stateflow, compiler, toolboxes, dsp, control systems, image processing, signal processing, financial engineering, mathematics, math, simulation, real time, visualization, technical computing, scientific software, math software, ...
Matrix SRL firma dezvoltatoare de software tehnic, parteneri autorizaţi Autodesk |
Editura si casa software - Publishing and Software House. Noutati editoriale, noutati software, comenzi on-line - Editorial novelties, new software products, on-line orders |
MaxCAD - Vanzari, consultanta si cursuri pentru produse Autodesk, CadApps Australia şi StudioArs Croaţia - Reseller Autorizat Autodesk - AutoCAD |
MaxCAD, infrastructura, Proiectarea, AutoCAD, software, proiectare, Institutul de Studii şi Proiectări Energetice, Cluj, instruire, ing, Advanced Road Design, Canalis, softul, Polonia, izoterme, civil, CadApps Australia, versiunea, dinamic, CAD Expert, ...
CRM (customer relationship management) and contact management software for sales management, marketing automation, customer service and support, and e-commerce. Over 5000 Maximizer Enterprise customers and one million Maximizer users worldwide |
CRM, Maximizer, customer management, contact manager, Sales Force Automation, Sales, relationship, marketing, customer service, ecbuilder, system, business partner, UK, customer database, Multiactive, ...
MaX - magazinul de calculatoare |
computer, calculatoare, componente, pc, hardware, software, monitor, cabluri, camere foto digitale, carcase, cdrom, cdrw, dvd, consumabile, coolere, copiatoare, diverse, fax modem, fdd, hard disk, ...
Hardware and Software Inventory, Network Audit, Remote Admin, HelpDesk and CRM Solutions |
enterprise, solutions, hardware, software, inventory, network, audit, remote, admin, helpdesk, crm, hardware, inventory, software, inventory, it, infrastructure, assets, tracking, asstes, ...
MCIT, mcit, marketing, marketing consulting, it, IT, mc&it, MC&IT, dialup, dial-up, conectare internet, e-mail, email, cont email, cont de email, oferte, oferte calculatoare, oferte sisteme de calcul, oferte software, sisteme de operare, ...
Software specific inginerie |
program devize, deviz oferta, oferte, graficul Gantt, devize pe categorii de lucrari, formularele C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, materiale, manopera, utilaje, antemasuratoare, constructii, instalatii, ...
GLYKON oferã o gamã completã de soluþii integrate, hardware, software ºi servicii, pentru comerþul cu amãnuntul (retail): magazine, super ºi hypermarket-uri, restaurante, fast-food-uri. Furnizãm, de asemenea, staþii de lucru ºi servere, reþele de calculatoare, imprimante, scannere, copiatoare, faxuri, consumabile ºi accesorii, precum ºi service autorizat IBM, Xerox ºi HP. |
pos, POS, sisteme pos, sisteme POS, terminale POS, echipamente retail, echipamente benzinarii, echipamente benzinãrii, statii distributie carburanti, staþii distribuþie carburanþi, cantare comerciale, cantare, cântare comerciale, cântare, mettler toledo, terminale, supermarket, hypermarket, fast-food, fast food, ...